Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Marka Ragnos Aedile Report Number Ne!!

(That’s ‘two‘ for the fools that don’t speak Japanese…)

‘I 4m t3h Pr135t!! PH34R!!!’

Important Stuff

Greetings, meat puppets. Firstly, a news flash- I got promoted to Krath Priest! W00t. A new era of pain and defecation o_O begins today. Or should that be desecration? Whatever. You get the idea. ^_^

Oh, and another biiig news flash- Phase Four of the GJW started earlier this week. If you’re infected (like moi), fight other clean members in the multiplayer events (No ACC! Shame!) and do the fiction/crazy chemistry puzzle events. If you’re like me in that you’re infected and you can’t do multiplayer, you’re severely limited in your choices. And because there’s no ACC I don’t even get to froth madly and attack you people. Curses. Oh well- Phase Five had better be good.

In other news, not much is happening this week… my Aediles Fortnightly Comp is still running-details below-

Competition Title: Aediles Fortnightly Comp- Weapons of Mass Description

Competition Specifics: The first of my Aediles Fortnightly Comps (or AFC's for short =p).

For this comp I would like you to describe in detail the weaponry that your character uses, and if possible write a short story about how your character obtained any of their custom weapons.

Start date: 08/24/2004

End date: 09/07/2004

Unit in Competition: House Marka Ragnos

Platforms used: Fiction to be sent to me as either .txt or .doc in 12 point Times New Roman/Arial.

Awards: Fourth level crescents

Comments: Just a little something to fill the time between GJW phases.

-And I’ve had a couple’a entries… I’d like to see some more from you lower-ranked members, though. Remember- competitions equal activity, activity equals promotions, promotions equal POWER!!

So. You know the drill. Go do stuff. ^_^

Medals, Promotions, Random Gubbins

Me! Ahem… oh, and APP Nelson Johnson got promoted to NOV for activity within the DBPA. Go NJ. W00t!

The Weird and Wonderful World of Your Aedile

I started college on Thursday… feh. Met some cool people, so since I’m a total n00b (it’s a 6th form, and almost everyone else there went to the attached high school for six years. I didn’t.) I’m apparently allowed to hang around with them and sneer at people. Apart from that, not much else- it’s really hard trying to go back into ‘school mode’ when you’ve spent a couple of months on your arse doing nothing and letting your brain rot. Oh well. I have to get good A Levels- they are my path to Tokyo University! ^_^

In Conclusion…

Since Muz took offence to me stealing his idea rubs the bruise he received from the Beatdown Copyright Infringement Stick I’m going to have to think of something new. Hmm… how about a Yamamoto Tsunetomo quote?

‘The heart of a virtuous person has settled down and he does not rush about at things. A person of little merit is not at peace but walks about making trouble and is in conflict with all.’

And with that most edifying quote, I shall leave you. Sayonara!!

KP Nekura Manji Keibatsu (Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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