Aedile Report


Aedile Report

-->Aedile Report #2<--


Here is another round up of this week’s event in House Ziost. I would like to welcome Jedi Hunter Drax Remlinger to the house; He is also our new Commander, so congrats ;o).

Personal Notes:-

  • I am using a new email address which is: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (I decided to get a new account because it had a Gig space).

  • I also start college on Monday which should be interesting.


  • Chapter 4 has been released last week, which means more work for us to do!!

  • This Chapter does not involve ACC so we need to work more on the Multiplayer and fiction side of the GJW.

  • URL for GJW: Http://


Ways of Activity:

  • Email – basically chat through the Egroups and they are:

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JH Drax Remlinger --> House Ziost (Welcome)


JH Drax Remlinger -->Commander of Battle Team Obsidian Pulsar


NOV Drake Kalan --> A Shiny Dark Cross

Ah, another busy week, hopefully we shall see more Medals and promotions in the upcoming weeks.


Revolt Aquillarum Wildheart

Aedile of House Ziost

True Quaestor of House Korriban

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