Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<style type="text/css"> A:link {text-decoration: none; color: #006262} A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: #006262} A:active {text-decoration: none; color: #006262} </style> DA Halcyon Rokie Arconae, reporting in for House Qel-Droma on the 10th of September, 2004

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">Arrivals/Departures</td> </tr> </table> PRT Khamier Sarin (Sith) from Oriens Obscurum to Qel-Droma

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">Awards/Promotions****</td> </tr> </table> None

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">Shadow Academy Graduations ****</td> </tr> </table> None

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">General News/Competitions</td> </tr> </table> 1) Firstly, I would just like to say hellp to all of you again. With the transition, I don’t know if there has been any medals/promotions in the last little while. By next week, I should have my normal internet access back, and will actually be able to get some things done.

2) I have changed my e-mail addy to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Please use that e-mail to get in contact with my at any time. Due to RL, I can’t be on IRC as much as I once was, but I will be checking my e-mail often, so please use it if you have any question/comments or anything else that’s on your mind.

3) As you all know, the 4th Chapter of the GJW is still on. There should be something there for everyone, so get something in. This chapter will end of the 17th. With the new Chapter 2 results, we’re currently in 3rd place, so we all need to step it up!

4) When the GJW ends, there will be a lot of things that will be happening in Arcona. It is a great time right now, with so much in the works. Just remember, if you do have a comment or question on anything, the entire Arcona summit and house summit is here to help. Feel free to use us :P

5) The September MT’s are on (formerly known as the KMTs :P) You can find info on there here: and Also, a new Arcona competition has started and information on it can be found here: A better competitions section will hopefully be up by next report, when I can actually use my computer to write reports :P

6) Hopefully in my next report, I will have a little on-going competition open to the whole clan. It'll be a "guess the lyrics" competition. I'll write some lyrics to a song and first person to mail me with the correct answer wins. It's that simple :P So look for that in the next report

In Darkness,

DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae (Sith)/AED-EP/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: SKR]



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