Clan Arcona ProConsul Report 9/12/2004
Light is limited, Darkness is infinite
Greetings, all.
-=The Personal Stuff=-
This has been a very trying week for me, real life-wise. Im still in a bit of a haze over it, and future days ahead dont seem to promise much of an improvement. But, aside from all that, I am peachy. ;-)
The war is progressing as it has been for quite some time now. I am overly impressed with the effort of certain individuals, namely Dalthid, Demos and Strat. Their work so far in Chapter 4 really deserves some props. So if you see them around, buy em a cold one.
-=Clan Evolution=-
This past week saw the placement of the House summits, and the transmission of the plan for Clan Arconas activity post-war. The Quaestors and Aediles of all the Houses have been charged with some special responsibilities in that regard, and I have heard back from some of them already. More to be reported as things develop.
Also today, I am going to open a thread on the message board, in regards to the Clan fortress on Selen: The Hall of Shadows. Though mentioned several times in the past, a full detailing of our headquarters has yet to be undertaken. So, between now and when full construction begins, I require everyones input on:
-What should it look like?
-What features should it have?
Check the message board soon and post your ideas.
As has been mentioned, the Clan has now adopted a multi-order format for its Houses. This will necessitate, eventually, the need for a variety of Order groups in each House. If you are interested in, or have ideas for, opening an Order team in a House that has not traditionally been a home to your Order (a Krath team in Oriens Obscurum, for example), send your thoughts or proposals to the appropriate House summit.
The ability for the Clan to fill such teams may not occur for some time after the war, as the reorganization progresses, but having ideas and plans already on the table beforehand can only benefit us when the time comes.
-=A Departure=-
I received word today that our own Khobai Wrathraven Arconae has decided to join the Rogues, stating that the Clan has lost some of its splendor.
I want to address this, because I think it has been on the minds of a lot of us, and I know it has been stated, both on IRC and elsewhere.
I feel, as many of you do, that the spirit and unity of our group has taken a hit or two over the last few months. What with three successive Brotherhood-wide conflicts (Sith War, Independence Games, GJW), the beginnings of school for many, and the current conflict dragging out further than some would wish, there is no denying that our engine has lost some of its steam.
But this is why, more than ever, we need to remember what things were like, what they =can= be like, when we pull together to get things done. Yes, the GJW is ongoing, but were moving at the same time to change things. A new Clan structure, a new competition series on the way, and the multitude of ideas and plans your QUAs and AEDs have in store once the war concludes all of these things are more than hopeful signs to me.
I have read, and I have heard from many of you your desire to see Arcona rise again to its place of prominence in the Brotherhood. We must all realize that we are all on the same page here: we all want to make things better, and more fun. If we acknowledge that we all do have that desire, then we can work towards making it happen.
To Khobai: I hope to see you back, eventually. Know that I intend to do all I can to reclaim the splendor you and I both know Arcona has inside her.
In darkness thrive,
Epis Vassan Rokir
ProConsul of Clan Arcona
Praetor to the Oracle
Magistrate to the Herald
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