Dark Sabre looked around nervously as he surveyed his new office on Taruma. Hed been in here countless times on countless occasions, but this time was different. There was no Demon Prince sitting at the desk, twirling a pen in a bored fashion, or a cold Chiss that shot busy glares.
Now it would be him that would give the orders, get the bullshit and do the work that was his obligation. He sighed and sat down at the desk, beginning to type out his first report
Well hey guys another week, another report but this time its my first as your Quaestor! Shadonyx resigned. (Bye Belzy. :( You were great while you were here!) Ive got a couple of things to cover in my report (see the House section for all the stuff Im planning) and onward!
We had an excellent 256 entries! Thats enough for us to stand alone as our own Clan and still place fairly well (although of course thats not going to happen :P). Id like to see more of you getting involved with the Great Jedi War, after all the concluding chapter is coming and although it seems to be dragging on forever (I know youre all sick of it, I am too) we cant flag at the end, can we?
Only eight people did ANYTHING and some of the stuff could take seconds to finish. Most disappointing and a less than 40% participation rate which is way down from last time. Id like to thank chaosrain and NexusMage who (as well as myself) participated in MP events. Thanks also go out to Morgan Delano, Betja Jun and Nex again for submitting stories!
That, including myself, is four stories which is one lower than my goal and our multimedia and puzzle numbers werent great either, but youre forgiven as long as you get a lot of submissions done this time around so we can beat the other clans, as well as Dinaari in submission counts! (you dont want those Obelisk bragging about how they beat us do you?)
I know that the Chapter III scores have been taking longer than expected, but please, PLEASE, try to be patient. Heckling and complaining only slows down the grading process and I know Id rather have accurate scores that took a week or two longer than random scores that were thrown together in a day. I think most of you would agree with me.
[House Ektrosis]
-Well firstly, everyone say bye to Shadonyx, hes resigned from Quaestor. :( But dont worry youll see him around. Ive been put in his place and with me is former RM/TET NexusMage who will be my Aedile!
-Since RM was a position used by Shady to represent both phyles (only one had a leader), it will not be used at this time but
-Im taking applications for Tetrarch for both Phoenix and Hex phyles. And the KP+ rule to be in Phoenix is abolished!
-Wanting to help out with the House and Clan
-Willing to encourage others and make them active
-Leadership skills (just outline a few of them you believe you possess with your application)
-Rank of PRT+
-Completion of the Leadership Studies course
-NexusMage will be staying on as House Envoy of course.
-Id like to do some stuff with the Ektrosis site (Shadonyx: shoot me a private e-mail with an FTP account and pass please?) so hopefully Ill get to that soon.
-I also want to know what games you all have for MP (Star Wars games of course) as Im planning a big competition and I know were Krath but some multiplayer wont hurt will it? Just respond to this e-mail saying what games you have (JK, JO, JA, XWA, XvT, etc.)
[Updated Roster]
DJM Shups
KP Octavian*
DJK Amras Nero-Allheil
DJK Apoc i-Saonserei uilfrionn
GRD chaosrain
GRD Fetainarun
PRT Tiberius Claudius Germanicus Tangva
PRT Memephes din santo
DJM Shadonyx
KPN Betja Jun
KP Malaricarun
KP Coranel*
JH Quarmador
GRD Vicar
PRT Morgan Delano
PRT Curunir*
ACO Joren*
APP Edric Savo
APP Quel-Thalas
If you have not yet been placed in a phyle, it indicates that I have not seen any sort of participation or competition submissions from you. You have one month since you came to House Ektrosis to submit to a competition, CCing myself and the Aedile your submission, before being removed (GJW activity is acceptable and if you participate in an event for that, a copy of your entry is not necessary).
*In danger of being removed due to GJW inactivity (youve had plenty of chances; if you do not submit anything in the concluding chapter, you will be AWOLed unless you can present myself, the Aedile and Kir with an excuse [[Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses]])
Well dunno. :P
The Priest stood up and stretched. Hed done his first report. Good job, he told himself jokingly as he thought of what sort of tasks hed have to go through soon. He fingered his lightsaber as he hit the send button. He would be ready.
The newly appointed Quaestor left his office to check out his new quarters. Shadonyx hadnt been one for alcohol but the rumors of the well-stocked cabinet of drinks needed to be investigated
-QUA Dark Sabre
Just a note, applications for either TET position should be sent to myself, the Aedile and the Consul with the Subject of "Phoenix TET" for Phoenix phyle applications and "Hex TET" for Hex phyle applications.
Good day.
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