Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Midnight Blade Commander's Report

Report ID: 08

Commander: JH Warhunter

Greetings Midnight Blade,

Whats this?! Sith Commander's Report!? Midnight Blade is Multi-Order?! Thats right, you've read correctly. Our wonderful BT has become Multi-order for those SIth that join CSK (which we are hoping will be soon) and as well to help this effort and because I seem to like the ways of the Sith, I have transferred from the Obelisk Order to the (superior) Sith Order :p Anyways, this really has no effect on most of you. All that has happened is our BT is open to Sith members now and you know listen to the commandings of a Sith :p



-GJW Chapter 4 is over! Waiting on Results from CH 3/4 and the conclusion

  • GJW Chapter 3 is STILL being graded. Good Luck to all those who particpated.

Clan Satal Keto:

  • Our PCON has a new comp going, look at comp section for details.

-House Aleema is looking for a AED, any JH's who are interested in going Krath should speak with Selket.

House Kirleta:

House Kirleta:

-Looking for a new QUA, all DJKs plz help out with this.

-Soon we will be looking for a new AED as well as soon as our beloved Silent leaves for military duty (good luck silent). For those interested in this position get ready for the apply date and if you need to know what requirements are for AED look at the Aleema AED requirements.

  • I have created a new comp for the House, details are again below in comp section.

Battleteam Midnight Blade:

-Operation Primus Pulis is in effect. All members current orders are to engage in the GJW and is all CLan/ House comps while during rest time.

-New Midnight Blade Website has been developed, if anyone knows of a decent hosting network let Warhunter know

-Vessicant has been looking for a few recruiters for some time now. I want 1 person to be the offical Midnight Blade recruiter. All recruits you recieve will go directly to our BT, and help us out greatly. Email Warhunter if interested. This position will help you greatly if you are attempting to get to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.

-I am beginning development on a few JK/JO levels and missions. Parties interested in helping should email me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). I need story/level ideas,

game testers, edittors, and anything you think might help.



-Welcome Back Slit_Canvas and Kyrue Silverstar! Yous have transferred from 1 multi-BT to another :p. Glad to see you with us.


-DeVil has won another CoF, congrats bud.




-CSK Trivial Report in a Report

Specifics: Some questioned need to be answered! You have been chosen to complete this assignment. If you choose to decline, a hairy ape-man with a bad scottish accent will bound yor hoose doown and throow yoou oot!

A trivia, sort of, question will appear the end of the each PCON Report. The first person to correctly submit their answer will gain 2 points. A total of 16 points can be earned to become the overall winner.

The 2nd fasted correct answer will gain 1 point.

The 3rd fastest correct answer will gain 0.5 points.

The Trivia will run for 8 reports.

-RidDlE mE ThiS?

Specifics: Ever watch Batman? Ever get really annoyed by Jim

Carrey as the Riddler?

Well here's your chance to get annoyed with me, for the

next 8 weeks there

will be a riddle attracted to the end of my Sgt reports,

first person to

answer it recieves a Emerald Star ....i know boring


Well here's the

next part, after the 8 weeks we'll take in all the

winners and award

Dark Crosses to the top 3 total riddlers. BUT WAIT,

there's a bonus to put a

little more pressure on the summits :p, anyone who

submits a riddle that

neither myself, Waza, Silent, or Vess can get. Then

they recieve a

Emerald Star as well.

Thats it for this week's report. Everyone go kill some Kraths or take out your rage in the GJW.

RidDle mE ThiS:

Last Week's riddle was answered by Gryffon in the CSK room, those who wish to know the answer talk to him. you can still submit the answer for the reward(seeing as Gryff is not a CSKer)

This week's riddle is an easy one:

My hilt is cold and long,

My blade sings a peaceful song,

Use me as a tool of destruction,

Or as a use of persuasion.

What am I?


Name Email Rank

Sith Commander WarHunter [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

Obelisk Trooper DeViL [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Obelisk Trooper mariusbob [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Obelisk Trooper Xen' Culo Harzirto [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Protector

Obelisk Trooper Arymill Tizzen [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte

Obelisk Trooper Slit_Canvas [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Protector

Obelisk Trooper Kyrue Silverstar [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

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