<style type="text/css"> A:link {text-decoration: none; color: #FF0000} A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: #FF0000} A:active {text-decoration: none; color: #FF0000} </style> DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae, reporting in for House Qel-Droma on the 30th of September, 2004
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#440000">Arrivals/Departures</td> </tr> </table> KP al`Lan Mandragoran (Krath) has transferred from Qel-Droma to Arcona Summit!
OE Koskian "Psyko" d'Tana Arconae (Obelisk) has transferred from Galeres to Qel-Droma!
APP Onna Alias (Krath) has transferred from Qel-Droma to Gladius
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#440000">Awards/Promotions****</td> </tr> </table> Isalka Tyoun Xyler (Krath) has been elevated to Dark Jedi Knight!
SW Sykes Rokir Jade (Sith) has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar!
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#440000">Shadow Academy Graduations ****</td> </tr> </table> DJK Isalka Tyoun Xyler (Krath) has passed the ASP Programming 1 course with 97%!
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#440000">*Roster Changes *</td> </tr> </table> KAP Strategos Thanatos Entar (Krath) has changed his name to Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
GRD Jandos Phyleus Kalinor (Krath) has changed his name to Shadow Stalker
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#440000">Competitions</td> </tr> </table> 1) QUA Laethan has posted a new topic on our Messageboard to find new names for our various teams. Go here to post your ideas.
2) The September MTs are on (formerly known as the KMTs :P) You can find info on there here and here . Today is the last day to submit
3) An Arcona competition has started and information on it can be found here. If you have any problems with IRC, or don't know who to use it properly, you can come to me for advice at any time.
4) The MAA office design competition is still going on and finishes on October 16th. All the information can be found here.
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#440000">*General News *</td> </tr> </table> 1) If you haven't heard yet, our very own a'Lan Mandragoran has been named the new Proconsul of Arcona! Everyone in the house wishes him the best of luck since he'll need as much as he can to deal with all of us :P That also means you current have no TET's, but that will probably be dealt with shortly so keep yer pants on
2) Secondly, yay for Issy! Welcome to the lightsaber club :)
3) Our Consul has put up a new discussion topic on the Arcona MB, relating to an Elevation Guide. I suggest you check it out here, and post your comments.
4) A gaming server should be up fairly shortly, which will be able to host Battlefront, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. It is being paid for by DB members, so I suggest contacting Bloodfyre if you wish to help out. This will be a great bonus for all DB members
5) Strategos has been named the JO Commander in the GMRG...so..er...yay him :P
6) Cheating on SA tests is bad, mmmkay? No taking other people's work, mmmkay? If so, you'll have a rabid Canadian in the form of the Justicar coming after you :P
If you ever have an idea/question/comment on anything concerning this house, clan or the DB in general, please feel free to come to me. My mail is always open to anyone who wishes to vent, or you could always bug my on IRC under the nick `Halc.
In Darkness,
*DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae (Sith)/P:CM-AED-EP/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: P:CM] *
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