House Ludo Kressh
Clan Naga Sadow
Quaestor Report #4
October 1st, 2004
Another week, another borefest. Noone's doing anything and I think it's partially my fault for not being around. So, to rectify this situation, I'm re-opening the "Getting to Know your comrades!" competition (link below). Submit to it for easy medals and promo points.
If you've taken the time to glance at the house roster, you may have noticed that Sapphire Squadron has been made multi-order. I'm fiddling around with a few ideas, pay no attention to it until I say more. :)
Speaking of Sapphire Squadron: I want it to be the elite team of the house as it once was, therefore (once a CMDR is chosen), you will have to apply to get in. The CMDR will have complete control over who is allowed to join. More on this when I feel like revealing more.
The Dark Renegade Brigade still needs a sergeant. I am now opening it to all members of the house (for now obelisk only members, that is :P). This means that regardless of rank you can apply for the position and if you prove to me that you are capable of doing a decent job with the team, then I will give the position to you. For lower ranked members, this means
the fast track to promotions and awards. For higher ranked members, it means that you will be doing the house a service. If I do not have any applications or any worthy applications in 1 week, then I will open the position to the whole of the Brotherhood.
In just a few moments I will be starting a thread on the messageboard. Posting to this thread is going to award you promotion points, and will be considered as activity, but it is not considered a competition. Any medals that are awarded from it are solely because I felt they were earned. It is mainly as a way for you guys to interact with each other and get to know each other. Remember, you guys are no longer House Primus Goluud AND House Ludo Kressh. You are House Ludo Kressh, of Clan Naga Sadow. We are a team, two houses merged as one. It's time we started acting like it.
Links: <--Our Messageboard <--House Roster
None this week
Death Gazer was promoted to Novice, keep it up!
Dessan is currently on leave
"Getting to know your comrades!" It's listed as being finished but I got no submissions (and I was sick) so I'm opening it up again. You have the entire month of October to do this and it's easy medals.
AWOL Check:
Email me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Karim ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) with your name, ID #, and your order. You have 2 weeks (Ends: October 15th, 2004)
HLK Master-Student program/Promotion Guidelines:
I happened to overlook Korras' promo guide in his last report, so since I approve of it, we'll use that one. As for the M/S program, members ranked DJK and higher please email me if you are interested in being a master.
It's in the works, that's really all I can say about it right now. :P
Another quiet week. So quiet I'm checking my mail every 10 minutes in case I get something I can be happy to see. I've also been keeping an eye on the roster and watching the Apprentices to see which ones actually do their character history for their promo to Novice. It's been a dull week, let's hope that next week brings something.
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