Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Dinaari Aedile Report

These uneventful weeks really make it hard for me to think of important news things to talk about. I mean, the only notable DB-wide thing is the new Battlefront/Teamspeak server that was bought. There seems to be a fair amount of interest in Battlefront, so if you decide to get it I'm sure there will be DB people to play with (for the week or so people are actually excited about it anyway...). In other news our RM is retiring...and that's about it for news.


Competition Site:

Kir's "Quick & Easy" competition:

(Weekly CF Things - ignore these, just come play with us)

"Moonelf's Quest" - Monday 3:00 PM EST in #gmrg

"Tuesday Showdown" - Tuesday 2:00 PM EST in #gmrg

"Thursday Night Bash" - Thursday 4:00 PM EST in #obelisk (Guns only)

"Battle of Antei" - Friday 10:00 AM EST in #sith

"The ICTE" - Saturday in #outerrim

"Space Jam" - Sunday 1:00 PM EST in #sith

(All channels are on Undernet)

GJW ends soon: (


Legion joined

Jadex joined

Bane II joined

Cailous joined

Acrinus joined

Wolverine joined

Shadow Warrior left

Awards, etc.

Korin Rashh - Promo to NOV, ACO

Lotus Starscream - Promo to NOV

Rx Pfalanx - Promo to ACO

Thor - 1 CF

Quejo - 1 CF


Just waiting for the epilogue...

OT Pimp Benevolent Whiner (Obelisk)/AED/Dinaari of Taldryan



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