


<table width="430" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td>

</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lord Chamberlain Report for the week of 9/24 to 10/01...</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table width="150" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" align="left"> <tr> <td>


-The Great Jedi War-

-Multi-Order Houses-

-[Interclub Training Event](#lchicte)-  

-System Manual-

-[Weekly Meetings](#item4)-   

</td> </tr> </table> <> Ugh. Talk about a bad week. I had a test in every single subject (and some in two), and am frankly exhausted. I've been incredibly stressed and had a generally bad week. I've not been on IRC as much as in the past, because I just haven't had as much time. I started work this week, and while thats fun, its also incredibly involved.

<span class="content"> </span>Basically, I work in a geneology lab. People from all over the US email the Bennington Musuem, and I spend time searching out their ancestors. On Wednesday, I went through all of Vermont's vital records from the time period of 1760 to 1800. My eyes burn. I didn't want to look at another microfilm machine ever again. And, the worst part was, I found nothing. However, the second query landed some positive, and nifty results. Found a relative for someone that they never knew they had. :P Heh.

<span class="content"> </span>I've also suddenly found a way to do well in school. This has never before been the case for me, but as of recently, I seem to be pulling A's out of my ass left and right. Quite scary, since I'm such a slacker irl. However, I think part of it is the whole immersed-in-college thing. I have no other choice but to do my work, as, uh... well, I can only spend so much of the day partying. :P

<span class="content"> </span>As far as DB news goes this week, it really looks like Battlefront is taking off... Which I'm very happy about. I'd like to thank all the DB members that have donated money to getting the DB's server operational. You guys rock, and its awesome that we're moving in the right direction with this game. I completely expect BF to draw in a ton of new members.


Yeah, uh, I know. Theres not much I can say here, save that it'll be out very soon. I refuse to point fingers, but part of this is my fault, and part of its not. Either way, the first part of the Epilogue has been posted. Expect the events to be out very soon.

-to the top.


  A number of OoB updates were made. Just so everyone knows, the OOB address is , not the one off the LCH site. I, uh, can't even get to my LCH site anymore... (long story), so don't use that one. I'm working with Rekio and Bf to get them set up to edit the OoB, so the three of us can do work on it.   

-to the top.


      Battlefront helped boost ICTE playing a bit, but uh, not much. Still disappointed! Come on, guys, show up! Where are you all? Guys? Guys? *looks around* ;) But anyway... I'm looking forward to increased participation this week. Battlefront offers the DB an awesome opportunity for recruitment and exposure. So why not get rewarded for playing a great game?  

<table width="360" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#FFCC00" align="center"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#FFCC00">

Interclub Training** E*vent _All-Stars*_

</td> </tr> <tr> <td bordercolor="#FFCC00">Locust(685) - 4/24/2004</td> </tr> <tr> <td bordercolor="#FFCC00">Benevolent(2706) - 5/15/2004</td> </tr> <tr> <td bordercolor="#FFCC00">Kaiann(129) - 5/22/2004</td> </tr> </table>

-to the top.


      weee for meetings. Last week, Lenzar took first, as usual, followed by the SHW, Gui-Long. Also, thanks to Arcturus for making trivia.  

      Some members have expressed interest in the idea of having non-SW trivia once in a while (Perhaps once a month or whatever.) While I review the idea with the GM and DGM, feel free to email me your input. I know we're &quot;a Star Wars club,&quot; but our members have other interests, too. And its not like the normal trivia usually has anything to do with the DB. :P So, email me if you have an opinion, either for it or against it.   

-to the top.

Thats my report for this week. A bit sparse, I know, but I honestly haven't had much time to do that much. Oh, and by the way, I have some more gmail invites, if anyone wants in on Gmail.

Got questions? Email me. [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

</td> </tr>

<tr> <td>

</td> </tr> <tr> <td>::bows::

<font color="#FF0000">DA Telaris "Mav" Cantor (Sith)/LCH-RHoJ/</font>Dark Council <font color="#FFCC00">[GMRG: PRT]</font>

SL/ED/SB/GCx3/(SC-SoP)/(StA)/DC-KC-O/(GN)/(BNB)/Cr-2D-4R-1A-2S/ CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF/ (LSAu)/SoL

</td> </tr> </table>

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