Consul Report


Consul Report

Taldryan Consul Report 10-3-04 Report # 73

Pretty standard week again, not too much going on…still waiting for GJW-ending type stuff. We’re SO close to the end hopefully it will all be over very soon! So here we go, report time.


The Fifth Great Jedi War


5th GJW - Waiting for Epilogue

-I’m not going to go over all the details again because I think you are all familiar with them. Yesterday Mav released the story portion of the Epilogue, but we’re still waiting on the events. Chapter 3 and 4 scores are on their way as well, so yeah.

-That’s all the GJW for this report, if you have any questions about the War, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], or you can email your QUA!


Almost over!!


Clan Taldryan News

-Alright well today is October 3rd which marks the end of the Quick & Easy CON Competition that’s on the message board right now. So after reading through all the entries, the winners are:

1st place = Sharad

“Sidewalk Dude: "Hahaha holy crap dude. They just slapped you with those plastic toys and you sat there and took it like a bitch."

2nd place = Tiberius

“I’m the freakin Emperor; why the hell are those people not cowering before me?”

3rd place = Quarmador

“Palpatine: Man, I wish I could get some of that tight, red…”

Your medals are in the mail!

-This caption competition was partially me trying to get people talking on the MB again. I usually check/post on it at least 3 times per day and I’d really like other people to join me…so go to the MB and start topics about stuff!

-Dark Sabre and Quarmador have settled into their roles as QUA and AED well already, I’m pretty sure they will be naming new TETs very soon, so heads up for that.

-All Clan Projects and Programs are on hold for the duration of the GJW.

DB News

-Star Wars: Battlefront was released last week, and this week the DB has got it’s own server up and running! They also got Teamspeak up and running so you can actually talk/hear other DB members chatting during games! Here is the info for the server stuff:

Battlefront server = DarkJediBrotherhood Teamspeak =

-The SHW has put an interesting twist into this months KMTs (monthly writing topics) for all Obelisk and Sith members. If you can “beat the Krath at their own game” by placing in this months KMT topics, you will receive either a Dark Cross or a Star of Antei!!

-The DB Order of Battle has finally been updated so that Taldryan’s fleet is up-to-date. You can find that webpage here:

-The Master-at-Arms new online office has moved to

-Vassan started a topic on the MBs about two new guilds and it sounds pretty interesting. If you have any interest at all in Web design or graphics you should check this topic out:

  • The Weekly Multiplayer Competitions are still going on regardless of the GJW. The dates and times can be found on the Clan Taldryan website in the competitions section.

-The KMTs (monthly fiction topics) for October are “Me, me, and me.”, and “Nightmare.”, see the KHP’s weekly report for more information.

-Be sure to visit for all the news.

Medals, Promotions, and Transfers




APP Lotus Starscream to NOV

NOV Korin Rashh to ACO

NOV Rx Pfalanx to ACO


APP Wolverine to Dinaari

APP Acrinus to Dinaari

APP Cailous to Dinaari

APP Bane II to Dinaari

APP Jadex to Dinaari

OP Pimp Shadow Warrior to Rogues


-If you ever need to see an old Consul report, all of mine are up on!

That’s all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC as I’m logged on quite often as Kir! Or talk to me on AIM, my screen-name is “ConsulKir”!

Important Links –


Dark Brotherhood –

Clan Taldryan -

Antei Combat Center –

Message Boards -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Compendium -

Summit Members –

CON Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

PCON Pimp Sharad Taldrya Hett ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari QUA Pimp Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari AED Pimp Benevolent Whiner ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis QUA Dark Sabre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis AED Nexusmage ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Mailing lists -

Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

These email addresses send messages to everyone in the Clan or House they are addressed to.

Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server

IP Address:

Password: Talpwnz

Cohors Praetoria Taldryan – Nexusmage and Horus

In Darkness,

OE Kir Taldrya Katarn (Obelisk)/CON-EP/Clan Taldryan [KSOE: KCE] [ACC: JUD]



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