Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Well, I got bored, so what do I do? Photoshop up a Hello My Name Is sticker and write my first report as Aedile, of course.

Anyway, I think that introduction pretty much sums me up as a person so, on with the report. =P


-The Epilogue story (part 1) has been released, but no events yet =/ Here's the story link:

Tal stuff

-Sharad, Tib, and Quarmador won the Quick and Easy comp (respectively)

-Kir's set up another quickie comp (a word RO...hehe quickie...)


-TET's positions will be announced within the week.

-No Transfers to Ekky this week =/

-We lost Octavian, Coranel, and Curunir to the rogues, which brings us down to 18 members =,(

-Tib passed the MSN and Leadership exams at the SA.

-Tib won the September KMT which had something to do with beer...anyways, go Tib!


-The new KMT's are out, you can find them on the DB news page.

-Battlefront is what's happening, go pick it up if you like those games.



DJK NexusMage (Krath)/AED/Ektrosis of Taldryan [GMRG: GDM] [KSOE: ENV] [ACC: INI]



Email me if you have any questions or comments.

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