Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

So I was freakishly busy this week. Sorry I wasn't online much.

Phyle happenings and gossip!!

Yay nothing much has happened. I've been having trouble with Onwai's email. Keeps bouncing it back to me. Might be a sign that he's gone :(

Competition stuffs!!

Hey hey the last part of the GJW is out and it's single player stuff with one little fiction part. I'll be more than happy to help anyone who wants to bounce ideas around. Just email me or give me a yell whenever I'm online. There's also more KMTs this month. I've updated the website to show that.

Question of the week!

Can you drown if you look up at the rain with your mouth open?

And now for this weeks moment of zen.

Well now that things are working again and the mynocks are gone members can get back to their normal routine. Let's take a look at Anshar's normal routine. Hmm...starts with him waking up on the ground after being passed out for several hours in his quarters. He totally skips any type of self hygine to head to the office. There he scares away many members with his bad breath and even worse body odor. A great tactic to keep from doing more paperwork. After he answers the many complaints he has waiting for him (today there were none) and takes a few bottles from the QUA stash that's been there since Kodiak was Quaestor. We can't really finish a descriptioin of his day as it just goes downhill from there. Let's just say this is why there are so few females within the DB.

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