Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Dark Greetings Battalion Of Fear

Well another fine week has passed and activity remains at it’s level…hmm not to many medals earned or promotions but anyways it’s good to have active people (IRC Activity) . The last part of the GJW, the Epilogue is going to start soon…well it’s not all of a competitions…it’s just the thing about finishing some multiplayer missions and all… Jo/Ja platforms will be available too :) so far the missions are for X vs Tie, Tie fighter and X-Wing Alliance . SUBMISSIONS DUE: October 13th , 11:59 pm EST.! So have that in mind . Well this is kind of it for this it (a little too short I know but I’m sure you understand what went on ;) . As a quick reminder : ICTE is in #outerrim on Saturday at 4.00 PM East (9 PM GMT I think) . Well good luck and make this unit kick @$$ :) .

Medals : None

Promotions : None

Roster :

Obelisk Trooper IoNuTz


Obelisk Trooper Scorpio_Sith

Jedi Hunter

Obelisk Trooper Shiva


Obelisk Trooper windos matrix


Obelisk Trooper im2ez4u


Obelisk Trooper Frosty Romanae


Peace I’m outta here :P .


Your BoF Sergeant,

2265 OP X-Pilot out.

OP X-Pilot (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: SVP] [ACC: SKR]



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