House Marka Ragnos Aedile Report Number Shi!
(Thats four for the fools that dont speak Japanese )
Baaad Manji
Important Stuff
Konnichi wa, meat puppets. First of all- dont stone me college life got slightly hectic last week. I had four essays to complete over the weekend. ¬_¬' As such, and since I had work all yesterday, I couldnt really find time to write a report yeesh.
ANYWAY! Time for this weeks report from your friendly neighbourhood Aedile. First of all, it seems that there ARE going to be events in the last chapter of the GJW so pick yourselves up off the floor, purge all the alcohol from your system aint time to celebrate yet. Dont worry, as soon as its finally over there should be lots of lovely medal recommendations in my inbox.
In other news, Im happy with yall the APPs of our house have been showing a huge flux of activity. Most notably, Morombath and Taliana Ordo both of you should be receiving your rewards pretty soon. Keep this up and soon youll reach Dark Jedi Knight and then Marka Ragnos will be unbeatable! Mwaahha!! Ahem. Onwards.
With the influx of new members forced into line by Jack Ordo bringing the House up to a respectable 16 members, the Avatars of Death Phyle has been reopened and t3h Jackster has been placed in charge of it- commanding his convicts- uhm, I mean, recruits ¬_¬. Also, with the resignation of Zhang Long from the position of Night Hawks Tetrarch, everyones favourite Moon Elf/Chiss (whichever works for you ) Tissaya has been appointed Tetrarch of the Night Hawks. Play nice now
Competition Corner! Firstly, the second AFC is now officially over- medals have been recommended and should be winging their way to your inboxes pretty soon- as soon as the Chancellor sobers up, that is. As you wait with bated breath for the third AFC o_O why not submit to some of Muzs numerous competitions? How about 'Death to all Whom Oppose Us!? I wrote an entry for that, so you probably wont win, ^_^ but you could still try. Any medal is a good medal. Details below:
Title: Death to All Whom Oppose Us!
Specifics: The battle cries sound as bounty hunters, emboldened by the promise of many credits, storm the Marka Ragnos stronghold on Tarthos.
Join your staunch allies as you deliver our enemies into the inky, cold embrace of the void.
Do it with style, do it with grace, do it in a swirl of black cloaks, do it with such gusto that their families fear to even tread in the same districts as our apprentices.
Start Date: 9/23/2004
End Date: 10/14/2004
Unit in Competition: House Marka Ragnos
Platforms: Fiction, 12pt TNR, minimum two page submission.
Awards: Third level crescents.
Comments: To be judged on length, quality of writing, realism, and your ability to incorporate other characters in your writing. Write about how you fight alongside Manji, Muz, Tissaya, and any other Marka Ragnos members you would like.
Medals, Promotions, Random Gubbins
Hrmm lots of medals recommended, but none received as of yet. Chancellor must be drunk again however! Promotions looks much more promising: Firstly, the mighty Jack Ordo got his lightsabre. Go Jack! Secondly, Taliana Ordo got Acolyte then Protector then Guardian what rank is she going to be next week? Pontifex? o_O Anyway go Taliana! And Morombath got promoted to Novice for his ultimate pwnination of the Shadow Academy. How many courses did you pass? Three? Four? Add to that a 6 page submission for my AFC that unfortunately fell just short of the deadline, and you have a particularly impressive portfolio keep it up, dudes!
And we got some new members! Give a nice big drunken welcome to Ardana Ordo and Keitarou Oukoumei- who managed to pass the Test of Lore before I even had a chance to get in touch with him as Envoy. I sense big things from you, Padawan get your character history written and youll be a Novice by the time Ive finished this report ^_^
The Weird and Wonderful World of Your Aedile
aint so wonderful right about now. College is hell- they seem to think that its perfectly okay to pile tons of work onto us, and expect us to do it all easily. While trying to work at a dept store for three evenings and a Sunday as well. Yaaagh! Add to that the fact that Im suffering from a bad case of unrequited love, and your Aedile is not a happy bunny heres hoping that things will get better. But as they say, every cloud theres an exhibition at the British Museum in London of lots of truly awesome 16th/17th/18th century Samurai swords, which I should be going to see this half term. So Ill go down to London, go to the exhibition, be thrown out for drooling all over the glass, sneak back in, steal a daisho (lit: set of two swords, katana and wakizashi) then go to Forbidden Planet in London, buy a truckload of manga, come home and be happy. Aahhh.
In Conclusion
Once again, I apologise for the incredible lateness of this report. Unfortunately, a little thing we call Real Life (aagh! Real Life burns!) got in the way this time but never again. Oh no. If it ever tries that again, Ill cut it in two. ¬_¬
So anyway go do stuff! ^_^
**_KP Nekura Manji Keibatsu (Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
pwnz j00._**
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