Congrats go to Verr who has been appointed as SHW:P.
I appointed Verr because quite frankly he has been doing the job since Rein was appointed but without the glory.
Verr has been doing a great job getting the MP League up and ready to go and is also working to get the next round of the SSL ready as well.
I will be taking applications for SHW:M soon so if you are looking to join the Sith staff then you will have your chance soon.
Remember if you have any skill in mission design please mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
I have l already had a few people let me know but the more the merrier.
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**<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FF6666">His Fishness
SBL Predator
Sith High Warrior of the Dark Brotherhood</font>**</td>
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I hate you, Preddy. :P