Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Okay, yet another shortie. One of these days it'll be long and joyous but for now....short. I fainted today and I don't know why. So I dont feel like writing alot anyway . BUT NOTE MY REPORT IS ON TIME. And oh so colorful to cheer up your day and my miserable day. I'm so creative, I know. Don' t thank me, I'll crrrrryyyyyyy!

Temp website still be worked on. To be up shortly. And i won Saturday's arcona comp cause my google skills are spectacular. Cyris is awesome. He should get a medal !!! Hahaha! Okay well...soon maybe a medal for something. Maybe if he makes me the permanent Shadow Morph site???? BTW, Cyris that's incentive for you to offer to make it for moi.

K, Shadow Morph rocks. Promote Cyris and I and we won't terrorize the house.

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