Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Report Number Two.

(looks like I'm doing something right...)

News: Second week we are in operation and we are

already "pwning". Whatever the hell that means. But,

anyway, I think a congradulations are in order for

EVERY member of this phyle.


Morombath was promoted to Novice, then before I could

fire off a promotion for him, Muz beat me to it and

made him an Acolyte.

Keitarou Oukoumei was made a Novice due to my itchy

promotion/medal awarding fingers. (That and I was

trying to figure out all the nifty Tetrarchly things I

could do.)

Ardana Ordo was also made a Novice.


Morombath scored TWO, count 'em boys, TWO Dark

Crosses. Damn, kid.

Taliana Ordo scored Amethyst Crescent for blowing away

the AFC, as well as snagging a Dark Cross for natural

pwnage during her first few weeks. Maybe I should have

been like that too....

I got a Amethyst for taking some place in Muz's

Breathe Life II comp. I'm just a figurehead...don't

know why I get mentioned most of the time.

Shadow Academy:

Morombath is a running riot, passing the IRC IRC Ops,

ICQ, and MSN courses.

Taliana is on mission to keep up with Morombath

passing the MSN course.

I'm on a killing spree with the MSN, ICQ, and IRC

courses passed.

No one was killed or injured in the making of this

report and the events stated in such also resulted in

no injuries. Carpal tunnel suspected for Acolyte

Morombath because he is like his Tetrarch and spends

too much time at a computer.

Competition Corner:


Utter Decimation (screenshot)

The Chaos Engine (Fiction)

Death To All Whom Oppose Us! (Fiction)

AVATARS! Stairs of Darkness

Avatars weekly Trivia

Avatars Motto Comp!

This was a pretty kick ass week. Keep up the good

work, my tyros. Let's see if we can make the Night

Hawks pale before us.

DJK Jack 'Grif' Ordo

(Medals and stuff go here)

"It's a hundred and ninety miles to Chicago, we have a

full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's

night time and we're wearing sunglasses. Let's go."


DJK Jack Ordo (Krath)/TET/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

Tetrarch of the Avatars of Death

Code of the Sith

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

And the Force will set me free.

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