Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Another busy week for me. Nothing like being a leader here and at work.

Phyle happenings and gossip!!

Shimas is now the RollMaster for Gladius. Many congrats to him and I'm glad he finally showed interest cause I didn't want yet another thing to do within the house. Just kidding :)

Competition stuffs!!

Only few more days and then we'll finally be free to enjoy the weekly phyle activities I have been planning. Be prepared.....

Oh yeah, go do the KMTs and prove that the Sith and Obies will never beat us Krath. Hehehe.

Question of the week!

Do you like cake?

And now for this weeks moment of zen.

There is a new spice out. It doesn't have an official name yet but it's already in use around Gladius. Synthetically made just for Tarentum, this spice does the trick. Bake it in a cake, sprinkle it on fried potatoes, or just eat it out of the bag. This spice can be used in anything as anything. But what does it do you ask? I'd tell you but you wouldn't remember in the morning. :)

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