Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Clan Naga Sadow Proconsul Report


Yeah, this one is late… I was waiting for Malik to discuss some stuff I wanted to include. But it seems he has taken an unannounced LoA for some reason, so it’ll have to be done without him. what I wanted to discuss, were new promotion guidelines, since after checking with the DC, it was felt it was still too easy to reach Jedi Hunter and Dark Jedi Knight. So I’ve adopted an idea from Jack Ordo. Kuddo’s for that. :)


It’s over. Now, it’s just waiting for the scores to be announced. It’ll happen, eventually, don’t worry.

Since the GJW is over, Lenz transferred to CNS. Avatars of Death, specifically. As I said earlier, I am not planning on sitting around and watching insults fly either way. I know some of you don’t like it, but I’m willing to give him a chance.

Promo Guidelines:

The moment you’ve all been waiting for: new promotion guidelines. Up to Guardian, it still uses the point system. So don’t worry about that. Jedi Hunter and Knight have changed.

For Jedi Hunter:

Showing Due Respect, approach first your BattleTeam leader for a task. Upon completion, approach your Aedile, and finally, your Quaestor. All three will assign you something, and only when all three are done, you will be promoted.

For Dark Jedi Knight:

The same as for Jedi Hunter. Only once you have completed the task your Quaestor has set you, approach me. When I find you worthy, I will assign you your final task, which will not be an easy one. Upon completion, I will inform your Quaestor that you are ready to receive your lightsaber.

All tasks will be based on your preferred platform, so no, we won’t force you to buy JA or anything.

AWOL check:

I know Rai has one running already, but it’s not really taking shape. So I’m starting one right now. if you have not been active recently, you have one week to respond to me that you are still here. If you have done anything (and I am taking the GJW as a guideline here), don’t worry. I know what you’ve done, and when you did it, so there’s no need to clutter my inbox any further for that.

In a week, I will send a list of those who are at risk of being AWOL’ed. Rai, if you could be so kind as to let me know who responded to your check, I’d appreciate it.


That’s all folks. Malik is still missing, so come to me if you have anything important you need to discuss.

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