To day we embarked on the third incarnation of the PA and its seems to be founding itself solidly if not a little slow, but that will change,
The Guild Halls Location: (Its name it the Dark Hall) It is Located on the planet Naboo near Kaadara I. Why that placement?
Its location is near where the Imperial Pilot Trainers for JtL are going to be located in that city. The area will become more developed.
There is an Imperial garrison right out of the City with a neat Lamba class shuttle and all, it has 2 Faction givers (the NPCS that allow you to raise in Imperial Faction rank, or convert faction to xp, ex .
As luck would have it near the Guild Hall are several nice creatures spawning rotations that can be used to grind xp.
We are going to eventually create a city called Eos there. (To facilitate this I have taken Novice Politician to get access to a City Hall and the power to land grant)
i. On a side note I need all members of the old PA FoA to immediately seek out Armagedon, Renodiar and or myself for guild tags. Imperius (Khan) will remain in the old guild and be the last one to be tagged from the old guild.
Final reason for the GH location is that Naboo is one of the planets newbies can get to and our guild hall can be reached by them without fear of dying. We are also not that far from the Emperors Retreat.
Website: is the PAs website, please register there.
Membership: The following is an Idea from Ren, he suggested that no prospective Guild member will be guilded without proof of membership i.e they must present us with a dossier number so we know they applied to the DJB Web Club. They can be Sponsored but NOT accepted till they have dossier number. This is the way things will be handled. If they are too lazy to go to the web and fill out a 5 minute form to join us, they can go away.
Funds: The PA needs funds pure and simple. I have gone from a millionaire to less that 600K getting the hall and paying the maintenance on it. Not to mention I took on Novice Politician which soaked up 620 of the 700 Apprenticeship Points I build up for Master Swordsman, The GH has a treasury feature I want it used by the Guild members, Yes Jon my little miser you too lol. If you want a City Hall (300k) and things like trainers, mission terminals, shuttle bays, speeder repair shops, ect You need cash. I can not do it alone. I dont have the time to grind cash solo groups like I was. Taking on the Baron hood has placed my schedule for making Jedi Initiate back 6 months easy. For that sacrifice I will expect some from the members, once we get the membership up such things will handle themselves.
Ranking system: LM Jin-Long and GM Jac have asked me for a new ranking system. The first question I have to put to you the PA is do you want military, civilian or paramilitary rankings? Military might be hard as Imperial faction rank is military. Think on it I believe Khan had an excellent idea I would like him to voice it here.
Guild Name: Until I can get Kelric back online and have him actually disband the DB guild and guild hall I have had to settle with the name of The Dark Order. I want this to change to the Dark Brotherhood asap. If any of you can convince Kelric to head to lok and disband the DB and hall so we can use the name please let me know.
Thats all for this report. I will be attempting to get a report to LM Jin-long, GM Jac and all of you weekly.
Baron-Dark Side Adept Gilkane Blackheart
DA Gilkane Blackheart (Krath)/BAR/Dark Council
/Byss of Exar Kun [ACC: GJW]
Sacrifice your....enemies-Gilkane
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Why are you planning on naming the city Eos?
Replying to the above question. The "timeline" of events places the PA as somewhere around 15 years prior to A New Hope. Therefore Antei would have been chonologically out of place. However, the name is only tenative and could change as everything is in flux right now.
I'd suggest going with the ranks I put forward while acting Inquisitor. The use of any form of civilian or military ranks clashes with ranks in game and thus lose their significance among the greater majority of SWG players rather quickly.
The Dark Brotherhood is a cult, not a military, so logic dictates going with the Emperor's Secret Order ranks:
First Circle Initiate
Second Circle
Third Circle
Fourth Circle
Inner Circle
Emperor's Hand
Emperor's Eyes
Emperor's Reach
Or something like that from memory. It's appropriate for what the Dark Brotherhood is and fits in nicely- both for the actual OT era in which SWG is set and for the DB era where the roles can function equally well in service to the Iron Throne, regardless of if that means Dark Lord Sidious or Dark Lord Cotelin.
Oh, also... timeline continuity wise, technically the Dark Brotherhood doesn't exist during the OT era as it was not concieved until Kane Vader and Paladin brought together the old Circle of Adepts.
It actually would be appropriate to call the PA some faction belonging to the Star Chamber however. There is a certain degree of where your priorities lie.
On one hand, calling it DB makes recruiting into the main DB more apparent.
On the other hand, calling it DB makes new recruits get confused by the double meaning of the term DB.
Lastly, it means we still refer to it as the DBPA, which is like refering to the ACC as the Combat Writers Club, or CWC, which I'm sure everybody will agree would be thoroughly lame, DBPA is likewise thoroughly lame.
Thanks for the infromation Xanos, I understand you statements about the brotherhood not really existing till Kane and Paladin, but I am suggesting it did in a different form. Kane and Paladin had to be trained in the Force somewhere, and if your following the storyline of the SWG they have given us the perfect way to do that. In the sector of space where the game takes place a flux in the Force has been felt. Here things are not the same as elsewhere, thus the Jedi Trials have begun in game. The perfect way to create a storyline for the PA to be something more than simply a platform, as it is more. Its accepted by Lucas as proper therefore it is. Kane and Paladin could have easily been one of the many who trained at the Village to open their mind to the Force as we are now ourselves. Kane and Paladin chose the dark path, and when they discovered this group of Force Sensitives in the form of our PA e.g. the Dark Order as its called now, used it as a foundation for the organization and the circle of Adepts as its first Star Chamber. We have many things to work out, but I forsee the PA becoming source for our lineage linking us to the Emperor himself.
Thank you for the information as far as Rankings however its been the overall desire of the members of the PA not to use the ranking system of different game.
Xanos please continue to give me advise and ideas. They are most welcome.
Erm...Goat...let's not tarnish stuff from TIE by putting it in SWG. :P
I trully think that we who actually are in the game on an everyday basis have a much better feel to what the guild will need to succeed, It does not have to be that complicated. We just need to be organized.
I don't recall people having problems with using ranks from another game... especially given that if you're going to use military ranks then they're certainly going to have come from another game at one point or another.
When I asked around there was a lot of support for a cultish image, the entire debate that came up with the name Fist of Antei on the message board lately produced that response also. It's a lot more unique than the mundane feel of military ranks that are overused in so many other guilds and also, highly difficult to integrate. If somebody is a Lieutenant, it may work in the OT era, but it's entirely inappropriate within the Dark Brotherhood post-Endor era, as EVERY Dark Jedi outranks a basic Lieutenant in the Brotherhood Forces.
It's why a dual-role functionality for the ranks is best, as it will encourage more existing DB members to see a reason to join the DBPA as it provides them with a way to further flesh out their existing character. The more reasons they have to join the more will join.
Plus, at the end of the day, this club's got so many ranks taking things from games is about the only thing we're left able to do, if that, as we've used practically everything in the GMRG, ACC, ranks, positions and everything else now. TIE just happens to be one of the few we've not yet assimilated.
You must be kidding me, the Secret Order of the Emperor is the best thing to use !! Hell, I was about to propose it myself heh