Clan Arcona Weekly Report
Light is limited, darkness is infinite
Greetings, all.
It has been a busy week for me, with everything from fighting the flu, moving my office at work, and dealing with a lot of RL chores. Things should settle down this week and onward, though, and there are plans in the works for the Clan.
As most of you know, this week has seen the appointment of both two new Quaestors and our new Clan Envoy.
Congratulations to both Halcyon and Odjn on being selected to head House Oriens Obscurum, and House Galeres respectively.
And as well, congratulations to Strategos on becoming our new Clan Envoy, to help usher in new members to Clan Arcona.
-=Clan Competition=-
I am pleased so far with the turnout for the ACC portion of the monthly Clan Competition, but me being me, I am not nearly satisfied. 4 active battles means 8 participating members out of a Clan of 46.
While it is true that this event is not meant to be seen as something as dire as those events in the GJW, the outcome of this event will have a drastic effect on future Clan competitions. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this second and final week for Phase 1, and find a partner to take a go at this event. Phase 1 ends next Saturday!
-=From the KHPs Office=-
This is a little project sent to me from the Krath High Priestess, and I thought it would be interesting to open it up to the entire Clan:
The KHPs Office is currently compiling information on all the Clans for an upcoming site update. Along those lines, each Clan has been asked to come up with a brief advertisement. This would be a quick, in-character paragraph blurb telling new members to the Brotherhood why they should choose to join Arcona: who we are, what we do, why were the best Clan.
This competition will be open through this coming Friday, awards to be Fourth-Level Crescents. Send all submissions to myself and ProConsul Mandragoran with the subject Clan Advert. And be sure to include your ID Line.
-=Clan Powers=-
For those of you who have yet to study the arts of Shadowcrafting, now is the time. Though Project: Rebirth is still some time off, choosing your Path of study now will save time in the future, as well as help to better define your characters outlook on the abyssal powers.
Go to and click on the Di Tenebrous Arconae link on the menubar. From there, look over the Art of Shadowcrafting. Decide which Path of Study best fits your character, and send your choice to your Quaestor/Aedile. =Remember=: Once you have chosen your path, there is no going back. You are not yet allowed to use your Clan Powers in the ACC, but uses in fiction submissions are allowed.
Soon the roster of Bearers will be updated. Make sure your name and chosen path end up recorded in the Clan Legacy.
-=GJW Survey=-
Per a request from the Emissary, please take a moment to give your thoughts/opinions on the Great Jedi War. A thread has been opened on the Clan Message Board to take these comments; please keep them as civil as possible:
-=Random Comments=-
HOO and Galeres Leaders: Get back to me on your Phase 2s ASAP
Great work Kaek on that secret stuff!
Thanks to all the leaders who were there for the spur-of-the-moment Clan pow-wow!
Congrats to me, Cym, and Lan for taking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the weekly Clan comp!
Thanks to smoke20 for the eclectic trivia!
Mejas: We need to talk.
In darkness thrive,
~Epis Vassan Rokir~
Consul of Clan Arcona
Praetor to the Oracle
Magistrate to the Herald
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