Consul Report


Consul Report

Taldryan Consul Report 10-24-04Report # 76

Well this past week was full of cool DB events, including the resignation of the GM and the appointment of a new one, a reorganization of the Dark Council, and other stuff! I’ll go through all the details in the DB News section. On a personal note, I’ve take up several new positions this week including Left Hand of Justice in the Chamber of Justice, Praetor to the Deputy Grand Master, and Magistrate to the Grand Master. So I’m going to have plenty of DB work to do…but don’t worry Taldryan ALWAYS comes first with me and I’ve been working hard on the Tal Times and other projects too!


The Fifth Great Jedi War


5th GJW - GJW has ended!!

-Apparently my Thanksgiving estimate may have been longer than will actually be needed, I’d look for results within the next two weeks!

-I’ll keep this section in my reports until then to keep you all updated to any new GJW news.


All over!!


Clan Taldryan News

-The new Quick & Easy CON Competition for the next two weeks is an idea I’ve stolen from the SHW. It can again be found on the message board, and it is called, “Tell Kir a Joke”. Basically for the next two weeks you can post as many Star Wars or Dark Brotherhood related jokes as you would like. The three that I think are the funniest win! You can find the thread on the Clan Taldryan message board, here:

There have been about 7 entries so far, and you’ve got another week so keep posting!!

-Last week Chancellor Flech resigned from his position and he has now rejoined Taldryan, great to have you back Flechy!!!

-All of the GJW awards I recommended have been given out, the last one to be approved was a promotion for QUA Shadow to OPM, congratulations to everyone!

-I’ve done a lot of work on the Tal Times (clan newsletter) this week (as you all know from my emails). The staff is now organized, the first assignments have been given out, columns have been chosen, and Sharad already started working (and might be done) with the web layout. My goal is to have the first volume released by mid-November. Remember all writers; your articles are due by November 3rd!

Now for everyone else, here is what you all can do for the Tal Times. We need member submissions (and you probably have stuff you want all of Tal to see/read that you’ve done!). So send in any of the following things by November 3rd:





Anything else DB-related you’ve done!

Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and remember to include your IDline.

-Remember to check the “Competitions” section of the Taldryan website ( for a list of currently running competitions. I try to keep it updated on a regular basis, so it should be the first place you check if you need something to work on!

-After the Tal Times is finished I’m going to be working closely with the summit members to get the Taldryan Codex finished and posted. I’ve finished writing probably 95% of it, I’m waiting for a little info from a few other people and then the main writing will be done. After that we have some details to hammer out and we’ll try to release it as soon as we can.

-Very soon both Houses are going to start their own House-competitions, but I just wanted to give you all a heads-up that after these are over I have a Clan website competition sitting and waiting to be run which should be fun.

-Alright well it’s time for me to name two new members of the Cohors Praetoria for the next two weeks. The new members are going to be…Quejo and Swiper! Quejo is constantly on IRC and AIM and has great activity levels, and Swiper is a long-time member who won his first competition in a long time! Way to go guys!

DB News

-After Firefox’s resignation last week, this week has been full of position appointments and changes, here is a quick list:

Jac named new GM

Mav named new DGM

New position of “Lord Hegemon” (in charge of rebirth RPG-stuff) created, Kaiann new LH

Since Kaiann left HM, Spears made new HM

Lord Chamberlain (LCH) position removed

Chancellor (CHAN) position removed

Seal’s of Loyalty will now be given out twice per year

-The MAA will now be in charge of medal approval since the position of CHAN has been dissolved.

-The DGM will take with him the duties of the former LCH office (dealing with other clubs, etc).

-Keep checking for more info on what happens with the new GM and stuff!

  • The Weekly Multiplayer Competitions have been changed. Instead of having 6 MP nights per week there are now only 2; one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Tuesday is “solo” night in which you can play 1v1s, and Thursday nights are “team” nights in which you can play 2v2s. CFs are still rewarded, and also if you get 5 wins you can get a DC, and if you get 15 wins you earn an StA. I have updated the Taldryan website multiplayer competition section to reflect these changes. Also remember the ICTE is still on Saturdays!

-The new HM Spears has some new ideas for the SA, check out his long news post on for details

-The MAA is running a new competition, “Design the SoI”! Basically just design what the Scroll of Indoctrination medal would look like, and send the graphic submission to the MAA by Nov 22.

-The JST is running a new competition as well, which is to design a new “coat of arms” or other symbol for the Chamber of Justice. You have until Nov 11th to send submissions for this to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]!

-KHP Alanna is running a Halloween competition in which you go trick-or-treating around the DC. She is also bringing back the character development competition. See her report for details on both.

-The KMTs (monthly fiction topics) for October are “Me, me, and me.”, and “Nightmare.”, see the KHP’s weekly report for more information.

-Be sure to visit for all the news.

Medals, Promotions, and Transfers


Beneveolent – Legion of the Scholar

Sharad – Steel Cross, Topaz Crescent, Grand Cross

Dark Sabre – Steel Cross, Grand Cross

Kir – Grand Cross

Xuthen – Grand Cross, Star of Antei

Demos – Star of Antei, Dark Cross

Tiberius – Quartz Crescent, Grand Cross

Swiper – Emerald Crescent

Malevolence – Star of Antei


OE Shadow to OPM

OPM Sharad to DA

PRT Tiberius to GRD


DA William Flechette Taldrya Cantor to Dinaari


-If you ever need to see an old Consul report, all of mine are up on!

That’s all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC as I’m logged on quite often as Kir! Or talk to me on AIM, my screen-name is “ConsulKir”!

Important Links –

Dark Brotherhood –

Clan Taldryan -

Antei Combat Center –

Message Boards -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Compendium -

Summit Members –

CON Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

PCON Pimp Sharad Taldrya Hett ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari QUA Pimp Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari AED Pimp Benevolent Whiner ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis QUA Dark Sabre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis AED Nexusmage ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Mailing lists -

Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

These email addresses send messages to everyone in the Clan or House they are addressed to.

Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server

IP Address:

Password: Talpwnz

Cohors Praetoria Taldryan – Quejo and Swiper

In Darkness,

OE Kir Taldrya Katarn (Obelisk)/LHoJ-P:DGM-M:GM-CON-EP/Clan Taldryan [KSOE: KCE]



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