Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Big news this week.

First off, the new Aedile of House Gladius is Welshman. I'd like to welcome him to the House. He is the first step towards multi-order houses.

Secondly, Telona is Proconsul now, so Dranik has become the TET of the Keepers for the time being. He also is the M:HM. I got P:HM myself.

Shen Long won first place for my Belated 5th Anniversary competiton. He was the only one to participate, which just sucks. This was something that would have taken you 10 seconds to do. I hope to see more participation in the future.

Ciara and myself got a Steel Cross for a work as EPs in the Shadow Academy. Dranik got an StA for his previous SA work as well.

The clan comp is coming along nicely in the planning and the Prelude should be out soon. Oberst and I were hammering out details of the Prelude last night and it is indeed interesting.

Not much else going on at the moment. Another small competition to come soon, just for fun.

KPN Anshar Kahn

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