Galaxies Tribune Report


Galaxies Tribune Report

Report of the Guild

Office of the Baron


· Membership: (those that joined last week and have dossier numbers, those that as joined this weekend will be listed next report if that makes sense) of this report are, Bilden’da and Tuara have joined the guild and have dossier numbers within the DJB (Note: I have done a search on the sight for roster members as INI and have discovered we are stating that there are none, so I am hoping the show up this week on the roster. Which means unfortunately I have no external email to include them on this report which does not sit well with me at all, however, I will re-include them next report as well. Bilden’da is already hard at work as the Guilds Master Artisan and has placed a vendor in his house near the guild for use to use. And is offering housing to guild members. Tuara has been instrumental in the decorating and organizing the GH, something I am not a big fan of, but she has proven to have quite the eye for making the hall look like the home of a Dark Jedi Enclave and making Novice TK as well a nice feat. We have several other members that I have actually yet to personally meet as Renodiar and my other Commissars have become recruiting machines. They fell short of the 20 member goal I set them Friday by only 4 members. I am certain they will make the goal of 25 members by Friday. cough Remember all the members must...MUST join the DJB or they will be kicked exactly seven days later.

o Currently our membership full numbers is: 16 as of Monday 25th at 3am.

· Alliances: IP Another guild has joined use near by, they recently had a very bad experience within a player city being denied land rights within the city, I have invited them to join us at our current spot, it may not have a city hall but we will be defacto a city soon. It’s my hope that both guilds will join together when the city hall is placed and we can create our player city with another guild aiding us. This is an experiment I am hoping it pays off.

· Our City: Unless a city on Naboo decays into nothing by the time we hit 35 members, or I can usurp the power of the mayor of the near by city, we will remain as is, then move to Dant. By then we will be a strongly founded guild and can start our city with a proper foundation.

· Possessions: People please do not remove ANYTHING from the GH without my direct permission. This is directed at the admins. If it’s yours you STILL have to tell me its going away. I take note of everything in the GH. If its there more than a week it becomes GUILD property not mine, not yours, the Guilds. Unless specifically stated by Me, none of my Commissars can give your permission to remove anything. Please, I do not want another “Where’s my couch, crafting station, or my resources?” question coming at me again. If it’s in the Guild Hall you don’t remove it unless you have express permission from me, period. There are no buts about this. The Guild Hall is SUPPOSED to be safe.

· Faction Scanners: WARNING*: I found out about this first hand. Faction allied cities, both Rebel and Imperial can have a nasty little thing in their city called a Faction Scanner, if it hits you and you’re a covert you will get a tef (temporary enemy flag) forced on you just like you get when you do faction missions or attack another faction member. These also have the effect of a City Ban on your character for services, so if you’re mysteriously banned from a cities services, it’s because you have been scanned, flagged and banned. The thing that sucks the most is that you can enter a city via a shuttle that has one and try and leave and you’re banned from services. Now you’re in the middle of reb territory flagged and fair game. Fair warning a lot of the reb cities on Dant use these be mindful.

· Building Admin: No one and I mean no one but me, the Baron, gives building admin to anyone, AND none of the Admin’s has the authority, but me, to remove another admin. Those who have admin have been given it by me for a reason; if you abuse this you will be removed from it.

o Entry Lists: All Admins may place people on an entry list, (NOTE: on the roof PvP is allowed so if you bring in unknowns and get up there they can duel you or if they are a covert reb’s and your flagged they can attack.)

o Ban List: Banning a person from the Hall is useless as it is listed as Private. No one is to ban a member from the Guild Hall for any reason. Banning can only result by either CoJ ruling or Administrative Sanction by the PA Leader, me. I am serious if you ban someone within the guild and I find it, your mine….

      Over all I am very please with you all. We have quite the little clam bake steaming here. Okay…now go out and have fun that’s an order.   

Baron-Dark Side Adept Gilkane Blackheart

DA Gilkane Blackheart (Krath)/BAR/Dark Council /Byss of Exar Kun [ACC: GJW]



Sacrifice your....enemies-Gilkane

Looking good Gil.

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