Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings to you all.

Now that Telona has left our beloved phyle I was put in charge. While some of you may know me others may not but that’s fine. You will get to know me over the time that I am TET before the MO things start.

Anyways, on to phyle things.

The first order of business is that I do expect you all to be somewhat active, or at least email me and let me know why you are not. If you don’t let me know something, either through participation or through an email, then if I am asked about your activity then you will be AWOLED. I don’t really expect much from you, but a nice little email would be nice. Also, I sent out an email to everyone a while back about what Games you own. I need a response from all of you. I will most likely be sending the email out again soon. So look for it or reply if you still have it.

Now we will talk about how I will set things up. On a normal week you will have a competition in the report and its deadline will be the following Friday by midnight EST (IE by the time I check my email on Saturday morning). Reports will normally come out on a Sunday, but this one is late.


Go do them! (Yes that’s right, you heard me). Also, when you submit to a competition, I would like to either be cc'ed the entry or an email, instant message, saying you did it.

DB Level:

KMTs, There are still a few more days to get those in.

SA assault (

Char Development (

Halloween costume competition (

And Any others I may have missed.

Clan/House/Phyle Level:

Name that Squadron! (

And any others here that I may have missed.

Yeah, I know I missed a few. But this has been the week from hell and I am tired. Anyways, you will hopefully have a competition out from me sometime in the next day or so.


Yes, I know this is a Krath Phyle. But do I care? No. Does it matter that it is a Krath Phyle? No. So All I have to say is that if you have the games then get out there and play in the Tuesday/Thursday comps and the ICTE. And if you qualify then play for the Sunday thingy too.

Anyways, that’s it for this report. I may have a bit of news coming out in a few days though.

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