Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings Brothers and Sisters of Hex,

Getting down to business:-

1) GJW

2) Competitions

3) Weekly News

4) Roaster


Well the results for Chp 4 is out, you can view the results here:-


Excel File-

And as usual our proconsul has constructed a excel file to review all our


you can download it and keep it for you records.

Well we did great in this chapter and our lead over Tarentum is promising.

Hopefully the epiloge results will be out soon and we can finally put this GJW

behind us.


Now I am running a few competions for both Hex and Ektrosis, and here they


Hex Phyle:-

1) Hex Dogma

2) Hex TET Jokes

Now I know it says this competiton is finished but that my fault for not

placing the accurate date. But its still on, so participate.

Closeing Date:- Nov 15th 2004

Well thats it for Hex phyle, now for some Ektrosis comps:-

1)Ektrosis image comp

2)Hex Caption Image

Ends Nov 15th 2004

Thats it for Ektrosis comps, I hope to get some responces for these

competitons, so put in as much effort as you see fit. The more the better :P

Running DB competions:-

1) Tell Kir a Joke is still running on the Message Board, so go and post.

2) The ACC comp is still running :-

3)Assult on the SA

4)Character Development:-

5)Halloween Comp

6)Scroll of Indoctrination

7)COJ crest

Now remember to CC me and your house leaders all your competions submissions.

I suggest you participate in most if not all of these comps, right , right :P

Weekly News:-

Well Kir and Alanna are the new right and left hand of the justicar. Now i

wonder now yacks managed to get any thing done with out his hands but thats

one of the mysteries of the DB :P

So congrat to them.

Other news is posted on the DB news website so check that out:-



Amras Nero-Allheil

Apoc i-Sa'onserei ui'Ifrionn



Menephes din santo

Weekly Trivia:-

Now as you know i promised you trivia this week, and for the next year. And I

do hope that i stay your TET for tht ammount of time, but thats up to the all

powerful Dark sabre, kir, sharad and nexus :P <we sa good tet> Now remember

the first person to send me the right answers wins the pot. So submit fast.

Well here it is:-

What is the name of the Mos Eisley Cantina?

The previous owner of C-3PO and R2-D2 was...?

Obi-Wan's rank in the Clone Wars?

What was the name of Princess Leia's Correllian Corvette which was attacked at

the beginning of Star Wars: A New Hope?

Code name for Hoth base?

Now quickly send me your submission. And your medals will be on the way.

good luck

A servant of the Divine Emperor

Tiberius Claudius Germanicus Tang'va

Tetrarch of Hex Phyle


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