Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Tridens of Tarentum Report


--Greetings from the QUA--

Hello there everyone. First time experimentation with the report administration thing, so, bear with me if this looks like crap. All the information is still here, though, so I will try to improve upon aesthetics in the future.

I want to thank everyone who gave me this chance to come back to activity in the form of a real leadership position, notably my Clan summit, currently Telona and Rekio... my Aedile, Oberst, who was surely critical in bringing me into the selection pool, as it were... and definitely the SHW, Bloodfyre, who I hear reccomended me highly, and to all of them I owe a great deal of thanks. I will do my best not to let any of you down. So lets get down to business.

--Recent Activity--

Considering I'm still getting acclimated, there is not much I've noticed so far. My Rollmaster, good DA Pyralis, who I have known and worked with for a long time, is absurdly active, and probably deserves more than the Star of Antei he got recently for his work. Big props to you, DV.

Oberst has been very helpful in getting me acquainted with how Tarentum works and in cracking the whip to keep me in line, as I hope he will continue to do. I do not think I could have a better Aedile at this point.

I do not see entirely much from my rank and file membership. Merlance has been fairly active in gaming and for this I applaud him; I am certain it is a sign that he is meant for greater things in the Clan. I also see Cannabisia got a Steel Cross or something for defending the reputation of Tarentum. Hear hear.

--Future Activity--

I will be a bit AWOL for the next few days as real life catches up to me every now and then, but I don't think anything catastrophic will happen in the meantime. I will make an effort to check email and whatnot but there are no guarantees. I am sure you will all do fine and I'll be back Sunday or Monday.

I look forward to the planned merging of Tarentum into a pair of multi-ordered houses; this will give both Tridens and Gladius some much needed fresh blood, and a diversification that will be good for all of us. I also look forward to meeting with new members about where they are in Tridens, and where they want to go.

Look for a Clan comp coming up specifically geared towards this merging, and have a happy Halloween!

SWL Doni Tzu (Sith)/M:SHW-QUA/Tridens of Tarentum

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