[State of the Order](#soto)
[The Sith Order recognizes...](#recog)
[Sith Site/Battle Compendium](#ssbc)
[Sith in Fiction](#sific)
[ <font color="#FFD700"> State of the Order</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Another week has gone by, and we're still seeing new growth to the Order. It's coming slowly, but it is coming. We continue to have new members joining up in the Sith Order, and I can only hope each Clan is helping cultivate these members. There's a number of things in the works that I am hoping will be of benefit, not only to the Sith, but to the Brotherhood as a whole. However, I do need to get more familiar with the state of each Clan, so Clan and House Summits, I will be getting in contact with you. Members of the Sith Order, my Magistrate, Syn Kaek, will be soon getting in contact with you. We want to be able to better gauge exactly how many active and/or present Sith we actually have, so please, if you get an email (and every "active" Sith should), please respond. Let us know what you need, what you want, and where you'd like to go. If you're having problems within your Clan, let us know. We're not here just to administrate, this office is here to make sure you're having fun, and getting adjusted to your Clan. And if you're not, I'll start trying to play some cards to make sure you get dealt a good hand.
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<a name="#recog"><p align="Left"><font color="#FFD700"> The Sith Order recognizes...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> The continued work of both Warlord Donitz, and Warmaster Syn Kaek. The two of them are working on projects for me, namely specific SP missions and emailing the Order (Kaek) and creating a Wargame for the Brotherhood (Donitz) that I believe are going to enhance, develop and change the Sith order for years to come. I would also like to acknowledge Pyralis and merlance, who have been extremely active in the weekly Gaming Nights. They've done a tremendous job, and continue to impress.
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<a name="#ssbc"><p align="Left"><font color="#FFD700"> Sith Site/Battle Compendium</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> We're going to try and find a temporary place to put up missions, with just a simple HTML page, and links. More info on this as soon as I can get it done.
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<a name="#sific"><p align="Left"><font color="#FFD700"> Sith in Fiction</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Are you all writing? This month's KMTs are almost over. There's only today and tomorrow, and there's Dark Crosses or possibly Stars of Antei up for grabs. Also, I'd like to begin an Order-wide run-on, or a writing campaign. I'd like to try and test what the willingness is to write, so I'm going to talk to Jac, and see what I can put up for grabs, and then release it either tomorrow, or during this next week. If he'll let me, I'll probably put up a squadron of ships, to be added to the winning Clan's allotment. Be prepared for more details, but this will be open to all Orders; it'll just have a Sith theme to it.
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<a name="#comps"><p align="Left"><font color="#FFD700"> Competitions</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> The ICTE is today (Saturday), and it's also the last day of this two weeks that people can qualify for the bi-weekly Tournament tomorrow. There's also the weekly Gaming Nights, of course, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We've had some decent participation on Tuesdays, and Thursdays have been ok, but I would really like to see more people coming out. I would also like to see some actual encouragement, and involvement by Clan and House Summits. There is a reason to encourage participation in these Nights, because it gets more of your members into the Sunday bi-weekly Tournies. And those give you the option of netting some things like three different Walkers, fighter upgrades, weapons, talismans, etc.
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<a name="#misc"><p align="Left"><font color="#FFD700"> Miscellaneous</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Chapter Four results are out, and Taldryan currently has the lead. Congrats tot hem, and all their hard work. I think it'll be interesting to see the results from the Epilogue, and the final placings and rewards for every Clan's hard work in this last War. Lannie has a Krath War in the planning, and I know many Clans, if not all, have some kind of competition in the works currently. If anyone needs help planning, or judging, etc., let me know. I'm available to help as needed.
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<a name="#conc"><p align="Left"><font color="#FFD700"> Conclusion</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> We're all anxiously await the results for the GJW, of course, but let's make sure we don't fall into a dullness, and let's make sure we stay active. Demos is still trying to finish off a Battlefront League for the DB, which will require every Clan to have a Battlefront team in order to reap the rewards. I hope people are remembering we play that game. :P Also, I would really like to start pressing Allegiance again. I'm trying to get in touch with the BF server people, because they're supposed to be uploading JO and JA, and said they should be able to add Allegiance, too. And if I can ever figure out why Allegiance won't play on my computer, I'll be playing it more. I'd like for people who have, and want to play Allegiance, to reply to this report with a comment. Thanks much, and make sure to play in the ICTE!
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<p><font color="#EE0000"> Dark Side Adept Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae</font> <font color="#FFFAFA">
The Ghost Dragon, Gui Long
High Warrior of the Sith </font> </p> ]()
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i got BF and ready to play, and wanna play Allegiance.
I'm up for some Allegiance