Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report



  Greetings Aleema! Well this is my final 
  report as your Quaestor for with the retirement of Gord Darkonian and 
  Selket's ascension to Satal Keto's throne as the new Consul; I have been 
  selected to take the role of the clan's Proconsul. With my promotion it 
  would leave Aleema's stead empty, but not for long, Xhedias will be taking 
  up the role of QUA upon my leaving. My final act as Quaestor is to 
  finalise the AWOL check and clean out the inactive members to allow new 
  members to fill the roster so we don't have deadweight to slow us down. If 
  you didn't reply in the last two weeks, that means you.

  Exciting changes and they are all for the 
  better, I'll still be around naturally, and will be watching my old house 
  to see how great it'll grow to become. :)

  **KAP Enahropes Teriad Entar 
  (Krath)/M:HM-QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto**

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