Dinaari Aedile Report
Biggest news of the week...Tal has won the GJW! Everyone who participated will be getting a new type of medal, and the CON's will be choosing rewards based on standings. Look for cool "stuff" for Tal coming soon. Speaking of extra stuff, wins in the bi-weekly tournament give both you and Tal points to buy things with. If you have some time, go play a game in one of the weekly multiplayer nights. Don't forget to do the Hit List competition, details on the Dinaari web site.
Competition Site:
Hit Lists - Login to the Dinaari site
(Weekly Multiplayer Things)
1v1 Night - Tuesdays in #GMRG
Team (2v2 or more) Night - Thursday in #GMRG
"The ICTE" - Saturday in #outerrim
Bi-Weekly MP Tournament - Every second Sunday in #GMRG
Quejo left
Storm left
Awards, etc.
Armagedon - Cr-T
Horus - DC, 12 CFs
Demosthenes - 3 CFs
Thanks to everyone who participated in the GJW
OP Pimp Benevolent Whiner (Obelisk)/AED/Dinaari of Taldryan
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