Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings one and all to another fun filled House


First off, a new circle has been formed. The Daemoni,

led by Frosty Romanae, join the Keepers of the Night

as a circle of House Gladius.

Secondly, I'd like to publicly welcome APP Rampage to

the House. He has just joined us and is a member of

the Obelisk order.

Awards wise, we've got a lot of them:

-Dranik got 2 Crescents w/sapphire stars, a Dark

Cross, and 14 CFs. He also got a Letter of


-Ma'arkhan got a Crescent w/topaz star and a

Crescent with a Quartz star

-Welshman got a Crescent w/sapphire star, a Crescent

w/topaz star, a Crescent w/emerald star, and 2 CFs. HE

also got a Letter of Commendation

-Anshar got a crescent w/emerald star and 1 CF

-Seifer was promoted to Novice and earned a Crescent

w/quartz star

-Kidouses got a crescent w/topaz star

-Daryus got a crescent w/emerald star

-PRT Dox Romanae earned 18 CFs

-Zekk got 2 CFs

Congratulations to all these people.

The other big news this past week has been that

Tarentum placed second in the Great Jedi War. Not to

bad, we could have done better, but not to bad at all.

Also, our former Counsul Sith Bloodfyre was promoted

to Dark Jedi Master! In other words, don't make him

mad :)

That's about it. The clan comp will be picking up

soon, and you have the Prelude. It should be fun.

KPN Anshar Kahn

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