Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Report number Seven

Well, here is my second and last report for now. At

least I think. Jack was planning on coming back this

week, however something else did come up in his

personal life so we will see if I end up carrying on

for him for a second week or not.

Phyle News:

Again, not too much going on for our Phyle from what I

saw. Hopefully things will pick up soon with all the

nifty competitions going on.


The Artisians Comp is still going on. Let's try and

make a good showing for it. Also, the information on

our specialized Clan Powers have been "officially"

released. Contact Korras (or me) if you didn't recieve

a copy of it already.


Nothing to report. Oh well. The Stairs of Darkness

comp ended, but nothing has been submited (as far as I

know) as far as awards because of Jack's LOA.

Current Competitions:

The Mystery Competition has begun. There is

still time to join if your interested in helping

create the Mystery, but you better act quick!

There is also a mystery comp from CON Vail of CSP, to

be applied for by pairs, you should have the details


On to the more traditional comps:

Aediles Fortnightly Comp- 'Ph34r t3h m4ch1n35.' End

Date 11/21/2004

Missing Tetrarch End Date: 12/19/2004

The Artisans End Date: 12/2/2004

November MT: Scars End Date: 11/30/2004

November MT: Poison End Date: 11/30/2004

Smuggler's Run End Date: 11/25/2004

Character development comp #6 End Date: 11/20/2004

OOC News~

This has been a fun week. Not really. I got sick on

Tuesday night, and I have had to drag myself through

the last few days. I even had a test today. I hope

that went well. Ick. Like I said, Jack may or may not

be back this week. It is up to him whether he wants to

put his attention back onto this, with his personal

problems. I have a hard week coming up, hopefully

playing Halo 2 with my friend tomorrow will help me to

be able to get through it. Or at least thats my logic.

Something like that.

Now for our quote of the week:

XXXXX: Hey Simmons, what's the name of that mexican

lizard that eats all the goats?

Simmons: That would be the chupacabra, sir.

XXXXX: Hey Grif, chupathingie, how about that? I like

it! Got a ring to it.

As usual, movie/series, character/actor, etc. Send the

answer to me and I will be sure that the points get

reported to Jack upon his return.

Humbly submitted,

PRT Morombath (Krath)/TYR/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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