<title>13th of November, 2004</title>
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</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">
</td> <td width="50%">NOVEMBER 13, 2004</td> </tr> </table>
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<span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: Tahoma" lang="EN-AU">New Inter Clan Competition!</span>
<span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: Tahoma" lang="EN-AU">Compendium Updated!</span>
[History] [<font color="#800080">Awards</font><font color="#FFFFFF">]</font>
<span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: Tahoma" lang="EN-AU">Battlefront Update</span>
New Quaestor! Xhedias!
New Aedile! Callus!
New Competition for Aleema! Check the Competitions portion!
1. A Tetrarch's Trivia
2. Pets of an Aleemian
Zadious to Jedi Hunter!
Econe Bo'Amar From Rogue! Welcome!
[Medals]<font size="2">
JH Zadious - Crescent with Quartz Star
JH Zadious - 5 Clusters of Fire
KAP Enahropes Teriad Entar - Seal of Loyalty
ACO Nilani Bakash: Krath Core
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November 13. 2004
Hey all. Another exciting week in Aleema, we went multi order so we can soon expect more members to be joining. There is also a new competition that everyone should participate in, it is a very easy topic and allows you to flow with your ideas. Currently we are on a mission to install a new Tet into the Ensanguined Reavers BT. The installation is strenious and important that we put the right person in and make sure they do the optimum job possible. On another note I look foward to another great week and lets see if we can get a few more members earning medals, promotions and passing exams.
Quaestor's Trivia
1. Who played the part of Plo Koon in Episode I?
Alan Ruscoe (Answered)
2. Who played Darth Maul in Episode I?
Ray Parks (Answered)
3. What droid bounty hunter were there multiple copies of?
!FYI!: Now as Quaestor the Trivia will be open to all members of Aleema.
DJK Xhedias Forkall Entar Corell (Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto [GMRG: GDM]

Begin Transmission Base 78
6TH/AED 1st report
Well Here goes as many of you already know CSK is now full multi order. We are glad that this change has finally taken place this should really increase recrutment for the clan and attract more Sith then perhaps we willl be able to re-open house Galathian. Well we have quite a few comps going on now they'll be desctibed later on. As My first order as AED I decided to begin the search for a TET as of yet we are without tho I'm sure you can handle yourselves for awhile as we are narrowing down the canidates. Go see what you can do to get promoted.
Entire DB - November MT's http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=578, http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=579
Clan Satal Keto - The Co-Op fiction between Clans http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=602
House Aleema - Pets of an Aleemian http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=601
Zadious to JH
Zadious Cluster of Fire x5
Econe Bo'Amar to House Aleema
ACC Battles
GRD Callus Bo'Amar vs. DJK Xhedias Forkall Entar Correl
DJK Xhedias Forkall Entar Correl vs. SWL Vessicant
(any battles not listed here please e-mail me with any)


Ensanguined Reavers
<td width="100%">
<table id="AutoNumber3" style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="35%" border="1" bordercolor="#000000">
<td align="middle" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333">**Quaestor**</td>
<td align="middle" width="10%" bgcolor="#003300">Yes</td>
<td align="middle" width="90%" bgcolor="#666666">**Aedile**</td>
<td align="middle" width="10%" bgcolor="#003300">Yes</td>
<td align="middle" width="90%" bgcolor="#808080">**Rollmaster**</td>
<td align="middle" width="10%" bgcolor="#800000">N/A</td>
<td align="middle" width="90%" bgcolor="#999999">**Ensanguined
<td align="middle" width="10%" bgcolor="#800000">N/A</td>
</table> <-
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