Thanks you to Firefox for appointing me and thanks to you all for the support so far.
As is customary of us new appointee's I'll give a bit of speal on my history and such:P I joined the DB 4 years ago and have been in CSK throughout my time in the DB. 6 months in I started on the ladder to command, as a CMDR(6months) then AED(9months) and PCON(3months) on my long way upto CON(2 years), before taking the position i now hold as Emissary.
I've been around in the EH too, but that matters little to most of us now:P Suffice to say.. I know my stuff and have the experience to back it up too. I'm from the ranks and have earned every medal and rank the hard way.. no easy jumps into positions! I know what goes on in the clans and know what people can be like.
Let me take this opportunity to say my door is always open, no problem is too small, too great or too complex. Remember that there is a chain of command, your first port of call is your Battleteam leaders, house then clan summits. Feel free to CC me if you think I need to know about a situation. This is my primary role, as an aid to the clans.
Speaking of Projects and Duties.... Jac created a list of everything he was going to do, for now I'll keep to exactly what he was doing! My first priority however is the finalising of the GJW. Results, results... everyone wants them... well I'll be taking care of it... please give me a few days to get the current situation sorted out and give you all an update.
Right I think this is all long enough now for my first post:P I'll be seeing you all around da hood !! :))
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puts away his FF worship kit and breaks out his Drako worship kit... hehe
A Drako worship kit? Where do you get those, and what's in it? Pink candles? :o)
ugh, are you sure these are candles? I don't see a wick... ewwwwwwwwwww.