Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Crescent with emerald star-Welsh

3 CF’s Dox romanae

2 CFs Dox Romanae

Letter of Commendation Zill

Letter of Commendation Seifer


Frosty Romane – GRD

Ice Wolf was promoted to Novice!


Well relatively quiet this week with only a few notable pieces.

The MML is up and the team is currently working on it’s first mystery.

Clan comp will soon be on us.

A new award system has been set up which basically rewards the member of Gladius with the most amount of matches played during the allotted time period. I recommend everyone get involved with this and make it a real close run thing as we like some stiff competition here in Gladius!

SW Welshman Corsair Tarentae

P.S sorry for being lazy on posting this on the web page

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