Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Ludo Kressh

Clan Naga Sadow

Quaestor Report #10

November 20th, 2004


Here's the deal, its' HLK versus HMR in an all out battle to show who is the best house in all of Naga Sadow. I want 100% participation in this event, from what it looks like in Korras' report, it's easy to do. Nice and simple and it's for all of November.


Your search has led to an ancient Tapestry, depicting the Patron of your house, either Marka Ragnos, or Ludo Kresh. You, however, are not the only one who found it, and a battle ensues.

1) Screenshot competition:

You will submit a screenshot of a game supported by the Brotherhood. The criteria will mostly be centered around creativity, with a Multiplayer screenshots getting bonus point. Of course, this will count as a submission for all those in the screenshot.

2) Fiction Competition:

You will write a fiction about the battle. Who are you fighting, why is (s)he fighting you? Why is (s)he after the Tapestry? What is his/her allegiance? (min. 2 pages)

After an epic struggle, and plenty of bloodshed, the fight is won (what else to expect from someone from CNS?), and the tapestry is taken back to the Orian system. There, the next problems arise. Where to place it? How to place it?

3) graphics competition:

You will submit graphics, depicting the Tapestry.

4) Writing competition:

You will describe the Tapestry. What does it look like? Why was it placed? Fiction scores bonus. (min. 1 page)

5) Fiction competition:

You will be one of those working on placing the tapestry. You shall write a fiction around that. Where is it placed? Why did you have to work on placing it? what are your duties during the placement? Chances are the Tapestry is imbued with the Force. How does this affect you? (min. 1 page)

As with every such deed, a feast is held at the end. During this, you decide to climb on a table, and start singing a song in the honor of the clan.

6) Song

You will sing (in this case, it will be written down) a song, to honor the founding of the clan. Naturally, something suitably dark is required.


I doubt if anyone is actually reading this but here I go.

I have been a bit out of it the last week or so due to family problems. It's over with so I'm back. I may seem a bit pissy now so feel free to kiss my ass if you're offended. Everyone clear on that? Good, let's move on. :)

So far noone has participated (to my knowledge) in any competitions that I am running or that the clan is running, specifically the Artisans competition. If this is in error, then send me what you submitted so I know that you're alive and doing something. It only hurts you if I have no idea what you're doing.

Fredrik_H was promoted to Novice and he completed the Sith Core exam with a score of 91. Congratulations Fred you have been awarded the "Hey look, Rai's not pissed at me" award for pretty much being the most active member in the house, followed closely by Zacfer. Good job guys, keep it up. (No this is not an actual award just me giving you a good ol' pat on the back for not getting me angry.)

A change that will be happening is this: I have decided that because of the low level of activity of this house, we no longer need people in the positions of Aedile and Rollmaster. Once the MAA's office gets my email and does their end of it, Dessan and Karim will be regular members again. This is not because of anything they did or did not do, it is just because this house is not active or large enough to require an Aedile or Rollmaster. I thank them for the work they did do in the short time they were in their positions.

A website. I've tried to set aside time to work on one but in all honesty, I haven't been able to. Therefore, if you have any web design skill, I want you to construct a website for the house. Whoever sends me the site that we end up using will not only get a nice shiny award but they will be dubbed WEBMASTER. If webspace is required, I have several accounts that may be of use.

One final thing: I am going to be dividing the members between our two battleteams. Obelisk will go to Dark Renegade, and Leftovers will go to Sapphire. I say leftovers because Sapphire is multiorder. If you have a preference on where you wish to be, YOU SHOULD'VE EMAILED THE BATTLETEAM LEADER! :) If you are new to the house within the last few weeks, you may email me if you do not like where I placed you. :)

Master/Student News:

I have taken on 2 students in order to help get the master student program off and running. Jedi Hunters Erlandil Valenthort and Vicious are now my students. Fear for them, and for yourselves.


http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/message_board/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=17 <--Our Messageboard

http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewunit.asp?ID=21 <--House Roster


This is not a new transfer and I apologize for not getting around to it sooner: Welcome Warlord Numaril AsfÄgeln to House Ludo Kressh.


I know we had a few medals go out but I don't have the stats for them. Hotmail decided to dump most of my emails for some odd reason. Either someone got into my account and deleted have my inbox or hotmail had a glitch. oh well, congrats to all who got medals this past week!

Congratulations all!


Fredrik_H was promoted to NOvice! Great Job!


Fredrik_H completed the Sith Core Exam! Woohoo!


None that I know of


Artisan's Competition, details above, send all submissions to mal and korras.

Holiday Extravaganza Competition running until February. This month's topic is Thanksgiving, submit by the end of the month.


(Read Above!)

It's in the works, that's really all I can say about it right now. :P


Everything you need to know about the house is up above. Any problems, concerns or thoughts, feel free to send to me.

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