Greetings, and welcome to another edition of the House Ziost QUA's Report!
Alot has gone on this week. This House has done a complete 180, and I am EXTREMELY impressed! The activity levels have increased ten-fold, and the response from the House membership has been awesome. Keep up the great work!
A few things to note:
1) DJK Drax Remlinger has been promoted to the position of AEDILE (AED). As such, he is the Executive Officer of this House. Basically, if Drax says something, consider it coming from me. He has my full support. Please remember to CC him on all emails you send me concerning House business.
2) The Battleteam Leader (BTL) for Obsidian Pulsar is currently vacant, and will stay as such until the BattleTeam re-vamp that we are working on. Until then, Drax is the proxy BTL for Obsidian Pulsar.
3) OE Waza will be filling in for DJK Morrigan J. Corinya while she is busy with RL and making up excuses why she cannot beat me in Jedi Academy (hehe...she'll kill me for that). This is by her request. Please make sure you send all emails pertaining to the Sapphire Nova BattleTeam to OE Waza, and CC DJK Morrigan so she can keep up to date on what is going on.
4) Drax's Trivia Comp is on! Please send your answers to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Get them in soon, as the next round should be starting in a week or so. FREE MEDALS! Trivia is easy =) Remember, he gives pts for participation, so even if you're wrong, you can still win.
5) The Consul and Proconsul have been extremely busy in Real Life. If you have sent in a request to them, and it is still pending after a week, please let me know. They are doing their best to get things done, so give them some lee-way to catch up.
6) If you are a Jedi Hunter or below, please send me an email requesting a MASTER to guide you to Dark Jedi Knight. If you already have a Master, please let me know so I can note it (Esca and Sunflash, I know who your masters are, no need to email). If you want a particular person as your Master, please note that in the email, and I'll do my best to match you up.
7) The November Battlefront Competition is over! Congrats to : 1st Place--Bartleby. 2nd Place--Drax Remlinger. 3rd Place--Parker. Medals will be issued shortly.
8) I encourage all members to participate in the ICTE. IRC Channel #ICTE. Get the Clan Exar Kun name out there =)
9) Keep the QUA of House Byss, Jonaleth Isradia, in your thoughts and prayers. He was in a bad car accident over last weekend, and is in banged-up shape. Cipher and Mune are looking over Byss until Vithril returns on Monday.
10) 4 Members of the House were AWOL'ed for inactivity and failure to respond to repeated email inquiries. Please keep your visibility high, and your activity up so that you do not fall onto that list.
11) Here's a hint for December: The more Shadow Academy tests you complete during the month, the better your chances are at gaining some medals and maybe a promotion.
12) DJK's and above, I expect you to have your Grant of Arms completed in December. If you need help with that, contact me.
13) Anyone still having problems with the message boards, let me know. I am trying to get those problems resolved quickly.
14) The official House Run-on, "Ziost Ascendant", is on the messageboards. Please read the rules, and post accordingly. Medals given out for good postings over the month! (and November is almost over....good time for posting!)
Well, that's it until next week. Keep up the good work!
SW Erryc Lasitter (Sith)/QUA/Ziost of Exar Kun [ACC: SDR]
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