Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Dinaari Aedile Report

So, what happened this week? There's another Battlefront patch out, a WoW group is starting up, and of course Thankgiving for a bunch of you. That was easy...


Competition Site:

Hit List:

(See the Dinaari Website)

(Weekly Multiplayer Things)

1v1 Night - Tuesdays in #GMRG

Team (2v2 or more) Night - Thursday in #GMRG

"The ICTE" - Saturday in #outerrim

Bi-Weekly MP Tournament - Every second Sunday in #GMRG


Exdan Shiha joined

[Dark]Warchief joined

Locust joined

Talon Jade joined

Destavol left

Awards, etc.

Horus - 19 CFs

Mordin - 1 DC, 8 CFs


I'd would be nice if we could get more people participating in the weekly MP nights. If you ever have some free time one night, stop by on IRC and play.

OP Pimp Benevolent Whiner (Obelisk)/AED/Dinaari of Taldryan



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