Taldryan Consul Report 11-29-04 Report # 81
Alright well I hope all you Americans had a good Thanksgiving, I know I did! Sorry that I was gone for most of last week but I returned home from college for break expecting to have internet and it wasnt working! Im finishing up sorting through all the emails I got as I write this report, so sorry again!
Clan Taldryan News
-A few weeks ago I announced the first Taldryan Holiday, Domination Day in celebration of Taldryans victory in the 5th GJW. It was suggested to me that the scope of the celebration should be expanded. After thinking about it I have decided that Domination Day will celebrate ALL of Taldryans victories in battle, both in its past and in our future!
-Ive got to apologize for everyone who has been reading the news Ive posted about the Taldryan Times newsletter. All the articles were finished and ready to go about two weeks ago, but at the same time our PCON Sharad had some massive real-life obligations catch up with him (which is why he hasnt been around lately) and therefore he hasnt been able to upload the Times yet. Im going to see what I can do, but well mostly likely be waiting for Sharad to return before the Times are posted. Sorry for the delay everyone!
-New Cohors Praetoria members for the next two weeks are Nexusmage and Mordin! Congrats to both!
-This month my project is to finish all of my end of the Taldryan Codex so it can be passed on to the coding phase, thats just a heads up for all of you.
-Also I am going to sent out a clan competition this week, and it is the kind that should be completed as quickly as possible because the first 3 people to submit 100% correct responses win. But there are lots of questions and Im going to reward everyone who participates so everyone should participate! Look for more details soon.
-Last week I made our Clans selection for the GJW ship-wise. Mav should be officially announcing what all the Clans picked very soon and I think youll all be happy with my choices!
-There was an email thread called Respect sent through the clan mailing list last week. I would like for you all to read through the posts to it made by Shadow, Shadonyx, and myself.
DB News
-The Sunday Tournament results have been posted on djb.com, but the SHW again warns that some of the match emails didnt go through. So if you think you should have more matches than show up in his news post let him know!
-KHP Alanna was promoted to Dark Jedi Master, go lannie!!
-The Scroll of Indoctrination medal (used to be rewarded only for recruiting) has gotten a new description, here it is:
"This award is given for bringing attention to the Brotherhood or assisting others in progressing through the Brotherhood. This award may be given for recruiting someone new to the Brotherhood, but not for recruiting a current member into a new Order, Clan, House, or Battle Team. Clones are not considered new members, and anyone registering a clone and attempting to earn a Scroll of Indoctrination will visit the Chamber of Justice. Also, a Scroll of Indoctrination may be earned through activities that are designed to bring attention to the Brotherhood, such as creation of webpages, advertisements or banners. Finally, the Scroll may also be given to Masters who have shown the ability to instruct their students well in the ways of the Brotherhood."
-If you want to read a bit about the future of the DSC and the Brotherhood history, read the Oracles report.
-The KHP also announced that the Krath Rite of Supremacy will begin on Saturday, January 8th. So were got some time to prepare!
-The KMTs (monthly fiction topics) for November are Scars., and Poison., see the KHPs weekly report for more information.
-Be sure to visit http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp for all the news.
Medals, Promotions, and TransfersM
Shadow Clusters of Fire, Dark Cross
Chaosrain Clusters of Fire, Emerald(2) and Quartz(2) Crescents
Horus - Clusters of Fire
Beneveolent - Clusters of Fire
Mordin - Clusters of Fire, Dark Cross
Amras Topaz and Emerald Crescents
Nexusmage - Clusters of Fire, Sapphire, Emerald, and Topaz(2) Crescents, Steel Cross
Dark Sabre - Clusters of Fire, Star of Antei, Emerald Crescent, Grand Cross
Tiberius Amethyst, Sapphire, and Topaz(2) Crescents
Quarmador Emerald and Topaz(2) Crescents
Kir Steel Cross, Seal of Loyalty
Sharad Steel Cross
APP Mysteil Raleigh to NOV
NOV Vodo Biask to ACO
APP Revak Blade to NOV
APP Samara Alava to Ektrosis
OT Destevol to Dinaari
APP Myteil Raleight to Ektrosis
NOV Vodo Biask to Dinaari
ACO Dark Warchief to Dinaari
SWM Talon Jade to Dinaari
APP Exdan Shiha to Dinaari
OT Locust to Dinaari
APP Falko to Dinaari
-If you ever need to see an old Consul report, all of mine are up on djb.org!
Thats all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC as Im logged on quite often as Kir
! Or talk to me on AIM, my screen-name is ConsulKir!
Multiplayer Competitions-
Tuesday 1v1 Night
Multiplayer gaming night that will be held all day Tuesday in #gmrg. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Tuesdays are "solo" nights; meaning only 1 vs. 1 games will be played. Signup bots will not be used; you have to find matches by chatting in #gmrg or messaging people on IRC. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses. In addition anyone who has 5 wins will get a Dark Cross, and anyone with 15 wins will get a Star of Antei.
Thursday Team Night
Multiplayer gaming night that will be all day Thursday in #gmrg. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Thursdays are "team" nights, meaning matches can only be played with at least teams of 2 vs. 2. Signup bots will not be used; you have to find matches by chatting in #gmrg or messaging people on IRC. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses. In addition anyone who has 5 wins will get a Dark Cross, and anyone with 15 wins will get a Star of Antei.
Interclub Training Event
Multiplayer gaming night that will be held every Saturday evening in #outerrim. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Players come from DB and allied online gaming groups. Signup bots will be used, so use the !signup command on IRC to get matches in #outerrim. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses.
Biweekly Sunday Tournament
Those people who participate in at least one match in the above listed weekly multiplayer competitions will be invited to play every other week in a Tournament on Sunday. There isnt any specific structure, you just play as many matches as you would like and the person with the most wins during the day wins the Tournament. Everyone gets points for wins that they can use to buy personal possessions, and the total of all the points Taldryan members earn the Clan also earns as a whole to buy cool Clan stuff!
*Important Links *
Dark Brotherhood http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
Clan Taldryan - http://www.taldryan.org
Antei Combat Center http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
Message Boards - http://mb.darkjedibrotherhood.com
Shadow Academy - http://sa.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Side Compendium - http://dsc.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Competitions Page - http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php
Summit Members
CON Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
PCON Pimp Sharad Taldrya Hett ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari QUA Pimp Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari AED Pimp Benevolent Whiner ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis QUA Dark Sabre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis AED Nexusmage ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Clan Mailing lists -
Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
These email addresses send messages to everyone in the Clan or House they are addressed to.
Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server
IP Address:
Password: Talpwnz
Cohors Praetoria Taldryan Nexusmage and Mordin
In Darkness,
Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn
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