Welcome Sons of Kun to another weekly report from your Consul.
This week my report will be in a different format then it's usually is and later will be clear why.
First of all everyone welcome our trully Jonaleth that has just returned from the hospital after some days or recovery from his car accident and few days of coma. Welcome back bud !!
Secondly congratulation with all our members that have recived a promotion these week, expecially Erryc for his elevation to Sith Warmaster, Vally for Prelate and Esca for her Knighthood.
If you all want to be honored with a promotion a good way is to take part in the activities of the DB as well as to help our Clan and your House as you can. There are always lots of things to do in every House.
For what concern DB wide competitions, here's few that run every week. Not only these comps are a fast way to earn medals that will be instrumental in your advancment but will also make you shine among the highups of the Clan and DB so helping you gain ranks.
Here's the dettails:
Name: gaming nights
Day : Tuesdays and Thursdays
Channel: #outerrim
Name: ITCE
Day : Saturday
Channel: #gmrg
I can assure you, as Praetor to the MAA, that each week these comps give tons of medals to our brave MP players heh
Now let's talk of the reason of this different format. There has not been particulary busy days for our Clan beside the warrying for Jonaleth's health and the only major thing I have to report is that after one year and half in service, I'm stepping down as your Consul. I reached this reasons after long consideration and been the founder of our Clan, this choice had even more weight. The main reason behind this choice is that I can not, at last at the present day, give the Clan and you all, all the attention it needs. My working schedule are just crazy and are going to be even crazier I move on, and some of you may have already notice my mIRC presence as well as my SWG presence had dropped highly in the last few weeks. I have already discussed this with the Grand Master and the Deputy declaring my recommendation for my successor, and I'm sure Jac will announce it in the next few days as soon as some burocracy has been settled. Meanwhile Khalin is in charge of everything !! Fear not though, I'm not leaving the Clan, I'll be serving in House Ziost as a normal member and I'll always be reachable by mail by anyone in needs of advices.
I'm sure my successor will do his best to bring us in the tops where we belong.
For the last time
Sith OverLord Khan Kunar
Heir of Exar Kun
Praetor to the Master At Arms
Consul of Clan Exar Kun
SO Khan Kunar (Sith)/P:MAA-CON/Clan Exar Kun [PA: CT][ACC: INI]
" The Power tires only those who do not have it. " Giulio Andreotti, former Italian Prime Minister.
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