Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hold on, I feel a vicious internet shortage coming on...wait, hold on, I think I'm ok.

As I told you a few days ago, the internet has been up and down. Well, apparently, some of the asses in my dorm complex had viruses and what not on their computer. The school finally managed to isolate just their computers and shut them off, giving the rest of us normal access back. On to the House news:

Promotions and Awards

-Ice Wolf was promoted to Acolyte for his readiness to participate and his online presence.

-Dox received 4 CFs for the ICTE and the Sunday tournament.

-Frosty received 7 CFs for the ICTE and teh Sunday tournament.

-Welshman received 2 CFs for the ICTE.

-Ma'ar received 4 CFS for the Sunday tournament.

-Zekk received a CF for the Sunday tournament and placed first in Dranik's recent competition for his circle, earning him a Crescent with Sapphire Star.

Yu Circle is still hosting its MP competition and I encourage those who can to play with them. Help them, perhaps you'll learn something, or beat them. Letter of Commendation for every two matches you play.

There will be a house competition soon. I've almost got the webpage done for what I want to do and Welshman and I will be discussing it soon.

That's about it for now. I hope you have a good week and that, if like me, you do well on your finals this week.


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