Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings my fellow Byssites

I apologize for this being late, but with the change over, and with so much going on RL and in the club right now, I just got around to doing the weekly report. So here goes.....

First, I'd like to say what an honor it is to be chosen as your new Quaestor. With Master Jonaleth moving on to greater things, I have some very big shoes to fill. I'd also like to take the time to thank all of you, for ebing members of Byss and for being active, it makes being a leader in this house very very fun.

As with all leadership changes, there are always a few changes to how things work. Don't worry thio, I am not gonna turn your world upside down, just shuffle things around to my liking and to make it easier on everyone else to do what they do. Firstly, I would like to announce that I have chosen Priest Cipher as my Aedile. With her moving up the ranks, Mune is my choice for the rollmaster, as he will be also assuming responsibilites as Clan Envoy, as per my discussion with Consul Khalin. Congrats to you both, and let me just say this, you both have your work cut out for you.

That leaves us in a bit of a pickle, as we now need two Tetrarchs, one for Hands of Kun, the other for the Eyes of the Throne (mune remains Exars Shadow TET). We will be taking applications for these positions later, so do not send any now. I am giving Aedile Cipher a chance to recommend her replacement first. The application for EoT TET is still open to the entire house. Below, I am going to outline a list of duties I expect from the house leaders, and they will be followed. This will ensure we have things running smoothly and will help us keep activity up. These were originally set in motion by Master Jonaleth, and I see not reason to change them, so I add them to this report as a reminder, and here they are:


* Weekly report;  

* Running two competitions per month (under non-DB wide event status);  

* Participation in competitions;  

* Liason to PCON, CON, DC and Order Leaders;  

* Awarding of medals and promotions;  

* Organisation of inter-House competitions;  

* Admin of the Master-Apprentice program;  

* Communication/motivation within the House of news and events;  

* Answering questions.  


* Weekly report;  

* Running one competition per month (under non-DB wide event status);  

* Participation in compeitions;  

* Assumption of QUA duties in the event of absence;  

* Welcoming and inducting new members;  

* Guidance to those of PRT rank or lower;  

* Organisation/admin of Battle Teams;  

* Motivation of the House.  

Battle Team Leaders (Tetrarchs)

* Weekly report;  

* Running two competitions per month (under non-DB wide event status);  

* Participation in competitions;  

* Welcoming of Tyro's;  

* Guidance to Tyro's;  

* Motivation of Tyro's.  

Master Apprentice Program

With this, things are gonna stay pretty much the same, with just a minor change or two. I will make available to all of you very soon hard coloies of all important House documents, to include the "Masters of Silence" written by Master Jonaleth, which covers in great detail Byss' Master Apprentice Program.. With the power balance shifted, Cipher will no longer take dedicated apprentices, she will concentrate her energies of kicking PRT and below into gear. The following are the available Masters for any of you PRT's out there looking for someone to study under to gain your lightsabre (which should be all of you!).

* Epis Laethan  

* Priest Mune  

* Archpriest Vithril  

* Priest Imrahil  

* Dark Jedi Knight Jaysun  

As you hav enoticed, the list of members below the rank of Jedi hunter has grown long. I would like to see this change. With the new Clan powers sytem coming out, your activity will control what kind of powers you hav eint he Clan, and it will be out of my hands, it will be hard coded into the new website, so lets start working towards those promotions and shineys now, so when the system gets in place, yer not left lifting rocks 2 inches off the ground when you should be striking your enemies dead.


Next order of business, Activity. This is the lifesblood of this club, and House level activity, and Clan level activity, is what makes the world go round. Under the new system I am implementing (well, old one, just it wasn't enforced) there will be more activities to do, which means more medals and more promotions. All you have to do is the activites. You can't get much easier than that. My goal is to see most of you either with your lightsabres, or seriously working on them, within the next 4 to 5 months.

I am very impressed by the level of Shadow Academy activity I am seeing. When we keep Master Spears busy, and his Pedigogs, it makes them feel special. I am going to issue every one of you a challenge right now. Anyone who completes EVERY SA course by the new year will be awarded a Star of Antei. Thats right, you heard me correctly. That should get some of you going, and considering you can make the rank of Protector just by doing SA courses, it will help ALOT of you advance.

To go a step further, any House member winning two KMT's in a row will be awarded a Dark Cross. That should get ants in your pants about writing for the KMT's. All of this incentive is geared towards one goal.... LETS SHOW THE DB WHAT BYSS IS MADE OF.

I'd like to take the time below to recognize some member for their outstanding activity as of late....

* Novice Bobert  

* Protector Desdemonia  

* Acolyte Uzbad  

* Acolyte A'dira  

* Novice Jaze  

* Novice Rayne  

* Guardian Braecen  

* Epis Laethan  

Well, that about wraps up this report, remember to CC my self and Cipher, and your TET if you have one, with ALL activity, so we can reward you properly. Until next time, keep writing!!!!

Fear the Shadows

KAP Vithril Isradia Kunar

Byss Aedile

Heir of Kun

Sword of Isradia

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