# House Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae
Quaestor Report 2
<font size="+2">The Legions of Darkness will consume all who oppose...</font><font size="+2">
Brotherhood | House | Promotions | Medals | Competitions | Goals | Guard | Thoughts
and Sisters in Darkness,_
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I would not normally cut and paste from the news page but this stuff is important so I thought I would this time!
*- Clan and Order Powers System - *
Here we go. I gave the Consuls and ProConsuls a good deal of time to come up with things about the system, and no one did. The system is hereby adopted in its current raw form for the entire DB.
The basics: Medals have never had much of a point besides dossier charms. People have always toyed with the idea of making medals carry powers with them. Well, we've done it.
Bloodfyre, Pyralis and I have put together a system that will unlock powers for members when they have certain combinations of medals, and for order powers, position and time served. For example, a person who has earned any merit award from Dark Cross to GLS will have access to the first level clan power.
Each clan has a set of powers. Those will not be released today due to some outstanding balance issues. You will be able to see the requirements today though.
These were the proposals sent to the DC and Summits. I will have further information soon about the specific clan powers. Order powers are still under development.
If you have any concerns about the system, you can email gmstaff [at] [djb].com with them.
Well we have gained and lost some members this week, the good news is that the memebers who left were inactive and the ones joining are active, infact one of them has already been promoted so please give a big warm Dorimad Sol welcome to :-
APP Joh Obants
APP Dakari
APP Jaden Corr
I have gotten responses from most people now so I am going to start putting your ideas into action.
It is with the greatest pleasure I can announce my first promotion as Quaestor!
Stand forward Dakari, it is with the greatest pleasure I promote you to the rank of Novice!
Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: SWM Phoenix
By : SWL Demosthenes
Reason given for request: For promoting Activity in the GMRG over an extended period of time and running the GMRG/DB Seraph Competition. Good work Phoenix this Steel Cross is well deserved.
Go Phoenix! Go Phoenix! Go Phoenix!
Please remember to CC. me on ALL competition entries ( yes this will get you extra rewards!)
This is a KHP-LA christmas competition.
Who will you be sending Dark Jedi Christmas wishes to this year? What goes on a Dark Jedi christmas card anyway - a picture of Darth Vader in a Santa suit? What catchy greeting will be written in gold sparkly letters on the front of your card?
We want you to create the graphic that will adorn a Christmas card to the person of your choice (specify). Additionally, we want you to compose the greeting that will accompany the card, e.g. 'Merry Bloody Christmas!'
Send your entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. You have two weeks, closing date: 17th December. 2nd level crescents to be awarded.
Also note: We're hoping to put some of these cards up online for members to use as online Christmas cards! Please let us know if you don't want your card to be used. Further, we're expecting quality submissions, so no MS-Paint submissions unless it's a really good graphic.
One can submit more than one card
Lannie & Jimmy
Yes here is a chance to get an easy medal!
It takes about 3 mins to get to the 2nd lvl and I have discovered the secret of beating lvl 2!
"Shoot the turkeys in the background FIRST"
Pressie for Pred**
Come up with an idea of what my ideal gift would be for Xmas the award will be given to the best idea
Best is defined as :-
*What I really want :P
*Strange ideas
The best idea will get a Emerald Star (Cr-1E)
Time Counter : 2 weeks
Short Term Goals (1 month)
<table width="92%" border="0"> <tr> <td width="30%">Assess the strength of house</td> <td width="70%">Completed 100%</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Get House promotion system in place</td> <td>This will be in place by next week</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Open up a battleteam and appoint active CMDR/SGT</td> <td> I am going to look into this, this week so if you want a battleteam then everyone be active this week!</td> </tr> <tr> <td>QUA Guard</td> <td>Read the last bit of my report!</td> </tr> </table>
Medium Term Goals (3 months)
<table width="90%" border="0"> <tr> <td width="30%">No Apprentinces</td> <td width="70%">Ok I have confession to make I don't like apprentinces and I have a fairly simple way of getting rid of them, I promote them. Every apprentince will have already got a mail telling them five or six ways to get promoted, so personally I think a 2 week turn around for getting novice is not tricky</td> </tr> <tr> <td>No Novices</td> <td> hehehe am I picking on the lower ranks alot? yes I am, I am nasty it's just my way. Getting acolyte is not much harder then geting novice so I think another two weeks.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Open a second battleteam</td> <td> This means we need at least 20 active people which means we are going to have to keep the members we have and get new ones.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Perform well in a house feud</td> <td>I'm not one of these house leaders who it is all about winning but it's nice to have an external competition now and again so this will be are first real test of the new houses strength.</td> </tr> </table>
The QUA Escort is an informal honour given each week to a member who has impressed the Quaestor in the week past.
This weeks QUA Escort is a new member, since joining he has already been promoted and has compleleted a number of Shadow Acadmey Courses already! (and he also has one of my fav drinks as his name!)
Step forward Novice Dakari, you get to guard me for the rest of the week, so back your bags as I was planning to go and visit Dark Jedi Santa!
Um...yeah I know the report was late, I was sick I had the flu, so sue me!
There are a couple of really fun comps to do this week and none of them take much time so I look forward to reading your ideas!
As it's Xmas soon I know every is busy so I will try to keep fun Xmas type comps rather then anything too heavy.
My door is always open so please feel free to drop by and share your thoughts, plus if anyone has any funny jokes or attachments please forward them on to me, it keeps my office laughing which is always good news.
I'm working on a nice html report structure and hopefully that will be ready by next week.
Sol of Scholae Palatinae
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