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12th December 2004
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Well, what a busy week this has been. We've
had more APPs join our Clan, we've had plenty of MP Medals, 2 new Clan
competitions have begun, and a few other good things have happened this
I'm very very happy to announce
that Clan Satal Keto have won the Murder Mystery League 2004! I am very
proud of the members of the Clan who helped solve the Mysteries, and
ultimately put the Clan in 1st Place. Without the participation and
teamwork, I doubt the Clan would have some 1st. I give a big
congratulation and thanks to all those in the Clan who helped bring Satal
Keto to 1st place in the Murder Mystery League 2004!
Medals have been awarded to those who participated. As for Clan awards,
that it still being decided. I'm hoping we get a new ship or something
along those lines >:)
Our Deputy Grand Master was promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Master! I would like to congratulate him on this promotion as it is one he definitely deserves for all his time and effort he has put into the Brotherhood. And I am sure that DGM Mav will continue to work for the Brotherhood and along with GM Jac they will continue to make the Dark Jedi Brotherhood a great place to be!
We are starting a new Clan channel called #satalketo. We are still thinking of what to do with #csk once we get an X bot in #satalketo, however we thought we might make #csk into a fun bar of some sort. That way, people can choose whether to be in a channel that will have crazy b0ts going mad with bar tabs and orders, instead of having to put up with that in our Official Channel. So for those who currently visit #csk, make sure to also pop in to #satalketo.
Well, now it's time to party!! Whooo! We won the MML '04! Clan Satal Keto a rockin'!!
CSK Hot Shots for this Week
**This week there are many hots shots. Mainly, those who participated in
the MML '04!
_PRT Khamier Sarin, JH Callus Bo'Amar, JH Zadious, DJK Warhunter Arawn
Entar, DJK Jeax Zirv, DJK Cyrax Lionheart, DJK Xhedias Draconis Entar, SWL
Vessicant, KE Enahropes Teriad Entar_
If I have forgotten anyone, I am sorry. Please contact me if you did
participate but I haven't mentioned you.
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Master Student Program: http://www.satalketo.net/msp Guide! http://www.satalketo.net/mspg.php
_**CSK Advancement Guide**_**:**
_**CSK Site Revamp**_**:** [
http://www.satalketo.net](http://www.satalketo.net) Enahropes is fiddling with sections of the
site, improving them.
_**Clan Competition**_**:**
Spoils of Battle
CSK Opera Show, not Oprah Show
_**CSK Newsletter**_**:** Plans are still being made
**_CSK Weekly Meetings_:** Plans are still being made
_**CSK Game:**_ A plan is underway to make a turn based PHP Game
for CSK members only.
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[Dark Jedi
[Dark Side
[Clan Satal
[House Aleema](http://www.satalketo.net/Aleema/)
[House Kirleta](http://kirleta.no-ip.com/)
[CSK Advancement
[Gaming Guide](http://www.satalketo.net/gguide.php)
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