A report from the HRLD? And in the middle of the week?
Why, yes.
/me bows.
I'll start off this strange little mid-week report by thanking Jac. I didn't expect what he had said in his last report in the least. In fact I'm still quite speechless from it. What he says is quite true, though. I do have a lot of projects in the works, I had become weary with constant rejection, and I am on the verge of making a radical change.
I'll try to outline some of the more interesting bits below.
Operation: Facelift
As the name implies, somethings are getting reworked. The HRLD Site is getting a total makeover in preparation for the RPG format the club is moving to. A lot of the HRLD Site doesn't "work" yet, so please don't fire off a hundred e-mails to tell me every broken link.
The first thing you may notice on the new HRLD Site is an Episode III countdown clock. It'll count down to May 19th Midnight EST - the current proposed release date of Episode III. "Why?" you may ask. It was expressed to me that the club needed a boost in its Star Wars interest. True, we are a Star Wars club but it was more a concern that SW was no longer the major focus of most members. I was asked to try to provide some info on the new film or anything else SW related that'll keep you all interested.
What Else?
The revamp and expansion list continues. Here's just a quick summary of all the items that are being created/reworked.
The GoA is getting totally reworked.
GoA Request link in dossiers will go to Request Form instead of e-mail dialogue (hopefully soon).
Clan Specific Lightsaber Awards are being created.
Web Design and Evaluation process finally being created.
Directory of Informational Sites being created.
Custom Lightsaber Library being reworked.
Fiction elements being reworked and created.
Monthly HRLD-sponsored Competitions being created.
and a whole lot more...
Final Thought/Personal Touch
Look, I'll be honest. I've been in the club for a long time and seen many, many changes. I had many plans at many different times for a lot of these aforementioned projects, and each one either never got started or died a horrid, flaming death thanks to lack of interest. I brought many of them back up when the GM's changed but eventually I gave up. I figured they'd been shot down so many times before that I didn't bother trying to show them again. I also became far too comfortable in taking a back-seat approach to my duties as HRLD, and most of that was due to the constant 'oversight' I was getting.
A lot of what I tried to do was also thwarted by others I chose to include in helping me with these projects. I noticed that a pattern developed, and that interest in the projects dropped and often lead to failure because I put too much trust in other people on way too many 'important' decisions. This, too, came from my lax approach to the club.
In short - I was fed up with always being held back by other people and far too busy in my real life to take full control of the situation. I am still quite busy, but I have been reinspired to take a more direct interest in the Dark Brotherhood.
I promise - good things are coming. And most of them soon.
P.S.: I didn't make the lights in the DJB X-Mas image above, but I made them blink.
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Just thought I'd correct you. EP:III ROTS Comes out May 19th 2005. Not March 19th 2005
Just thought I'd correct you. EP:III ROTS Comes out May 19th 2005. Not March 19th 2005
Oops. You are correct. I had my signals crossed. Site Updated!
Hmm wonder what you were smoking Kaine, though a Mar Release would mean its sooner :D. And sorry about the double post.
All hail blinking light man!
All hail Kaine for kicking arse! And for these new changes... in the words of a certain operator, 'It's a very exciting time.' Rebirth and now this... screams like a fangirl ^_^