Yay to CSK for winning (I promise I'll sort out your prize soon)! Many many thanks to all the other teams who joined in and made it such a close race.
KHP Office has decided to sponsor some of this year Xmas gifts. What we need from you is to provide us a list of 5 persons you want to give a present. Tell us also, what would you like them to get.
Competition's details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=666
Describe a time when your character used treachery for personal gain, to increase their standing or respect within the dark brotherhood.
We are looking for inventiveness, accuracy of writing and how much it holds our interest.
Maximum 3 pages long with a 1 page minimum length, in either .doc or .txt file. Please RAR, or ZIP them also.
Send your entries to: Maar-Tyrius Ga-Tir [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] and Tissaya Luna Argat [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]. Closing date: 19th December.
This will be the last character development competition before Christmas. Good luck!
Xmas card comp has closed. Results will be out soon.
Fiction topic: 'The moment of peace'
Submit in .txt or .doc to Aragorn [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]].
Poetry topic: 'Ecstasy'
Submit in .txt or .doc to Alanna [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]].
Closing date, as ever, is the 31st Dec.
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