Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings Lords and Ladies of Hex,

Let me take this moment to address the sad events that led to the dismissal of

our Baron Blackheart. We must face this challenge with the same fortitude

that faced our brotherhood, under the tyranny of the Emperors hammer. Let us

learn from Blackhearts mistakes, but let us not condemn him. I am sure that

he will be missed by all those who considered him to be a close and cherished

friend. A long standing member of the DB, should be respected despite his

recent falling. I have noticed that we remember the bad things more offen

that the good. Blackheart was a fine fellow, and a great leader. He brought

the gaming community from a small band of dedicated players into a full

fledged association. Let us not forget all the good things Blackheart has

done in the past for the DB, and let us take the time to forgive him for his

present mistake. All Blackheart did was have a vision, that contradicted with

what the Dark Council believed to be the best for the DB. Now with that being

said, let us move on as we have always done. One cannot change the past, but

one can help change the future.

Hex News:-

I now have the sad duty to inform you all of Chaosrains departure from Hex. I

take this moment to say that of all the people I have served with, this

particular individual showed the greatest promise. I wish him well with his

new post as Tetrarch of Pheonix. With that being said, I welsome new faces to

the Hex roaster, Jedari and Storm. I hope that you will get comfortable in

your new positions and participate for the greater glory of Hex and Ektrosis.

Taldryan News:-

Our beloved Consul has issued a few competitons and a survey. I expect all

members of Hex to participate in this survey as it is of vital importance to

the better running and administration of the house and the clan.

Check out Kirs report for more details on that regard.


Dark Betrayal, Kirs Christmas, Name that Ship, and the new Sith fiction

competition. I would really like to see people participte in the Sith

fiction, it will earn our clan a good deal of points, and in doing so prevent

our rivals from getting their grumy paws on them. So go and participate.

Well thats all for now, if I have missed anything please send me an email and

I will rectify the report.

Now for some trivia. Now that Chaosrain has departed from our ranks, your

chances for getting that precious and rare quartz crystal is up for grabs. So

here it is with our delay:-

This trivia will be easy, so as to get every one to participate with out much


1) Who was luke skywalkers father? (I want both his names. Now if that is'nt

the biggest hint I dont know what is. And if you dont know you are a disgrace

to the Star Wars community, just kidding :P)

2) Name the two droids that accompanied Luke to the Death Star?

3) Who commander the first death star, and what was his rank?

4) Who is the Dark Lord of the Sith? (Vaders master)

5) How many sisters does Luke have and name her?

Well that was easy, now much effort needed there. Now all that is required is

for you to do is send me the replies. The faster you are the sooner you will

get you precious medals. Now give me those answers.

Your humble Servant,

Tiberius Claudius Germanicus Tang'va

Eternal Monument to Palpatine

Servant of the Divine Emperor

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