Ruby Squadron Report:
Hello, and welcome to Ruby Squadron. I am your new Commander. I am a pretty straightforward and easy-going guy, but I can be your worst enemy if you do not do what is asked of you. However, I will not ask too much of you. I only ask that you participate and do what you are told, and we will get along just fine.
1.) First of all, I am requiring you to participate in the run-on (The Dark Table), you will find it under the House Ziost message boards. Make sure you read the previous posts so you know what is happening. We are the second battleteam to enter the ruins, so keep that in mind.
2.) Also, I want you to send me an email telling me a little about yourself. Name, Hobbies, Plans for the future in the DB, Recommendations for competitions, Anything you would like me to do, Tell me what it is that drew you to the DB, and last but not least; Why do I want you in Ruby Squadron. All of those things are required, and also tell me anything else you would like me to know.
3.) Participate in the DB competitions. Have pride in your House, Clan, and Battleteam. Get your name out there and you will be noticed and promoted much faster.
4.) If you use any type of instant messaging service, give me your screenname. I want to be able to talk to you and get to know you, as I am going to be choosing my Flight Leaders soon.
5.) I am not going to expect too much of you this week as it is Christmas, or whatever holiday you celcbrate. If you need to take a leave of absence, please tell me. I am completely understanding that things come up that we can not control.
6.) As most of you guys are new, If you have any questions, make sure to email me and ask them.
7.) I am thinking of creating a new Battleteam quote. If you have any suggestions please email me.
You can contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] . Thanks, and I hope to see all of you rise through the ranks quickly. It is an honor to serve with all of you.
PRT Sunflash (Sith)/CMDR/Ziost of Exar Kun [ACC: INI]
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