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26th December 2004
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Well Christmas has passed, and the new year
approaches with haste. A lot of things have happened to Satal Keto this
year, and I'm pleased that there have been more good than bad things. The
Clan recieved an update to it's website, a new Clan channel on IRC, a new
Master/Student Program, an update to the Advancement Guide, a new Consul
and Proconsul, new summits for both Aleema and Kirleta, 4th place in the
Great Jedi War, 1st Place in the Murder Mystery League and a lot of other
good things along the way. It is, without question, the work of every
active members in Clan Satal Keto who have made it what it is today. All
the contributions and effort put in my the members are the reason why Clan
Satal Keto is still standing. With that, I would like to personally thank
all of you who have helped make this Clan stronger and the way it stands
The three Clan competitions
that I ran have all ended. Thanks to everyone who participated! Here are
the results.
_1st Place_ - Nilani Bakash
_2nd Place_ - Xhedias Draconis Entar
_Joint 3rd Place_ - Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez and Callus
_The CSK Opera Show, not Oprah Show_
_1st Place_ - Enahropes Teriad Entar
_2nd Place_ - Callus Bo'Amar
_3rd Place_ - Xhedias Draconis Entar
_Ha Ha Ha, Merry B0ty Christ'n'mas_
_1st Place_ - Xhedias Draconis Entar
_2nd Place_ - Isaiah Demonicus
_3rd Place_ - Zadious
Finally, we must not forget something special that occurred this week. One member of Clan Satal Keto, who has worked quite hard over the past months, got a nice Christmas Present this year. Xhedias Draconis Entar reached the rank of Obelisk Templar! His work with House Aleema, his work within the Clan, and his contributions to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood have earned him this promotion. So congratulations to Xhedias on his promotion! Now all he needs to do is earn a bit more maturity for the new year :P
CSK Hot Shots for this Week
Every active member in Clan Satal Keto!!
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Master Student Program: http://www.satalketo.net/msp Guide! http://www.satalketo.net/mspg.php
_**CSK Advancement Guide**_**:**
_**CSK Site Revamp**_**:** [
_**Clan Competition**_**:**
Spoils of Battle
_**CSK Newsletter**_**:** Plans are still being made
**_CSK Weekly Meetings_:** Plans are still being made
_**CSK Game:**_ A plan is underway to make a turn based PHP Game
for CSK members only.
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[Dark Jedi
[Dark Side
[Clan Satal
[House Aleema](http://www.satalketo.net/Aleema/)
[House Kirleta](http://kirleta.no-ip.com/)
[CSK Advancement
[Gaming Guide](http://www.satalketo.net/gguide.php)
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